A Hopeless Romantic

When you are on Facebook and you accidentally come across videos of soldiers that are surprising their wives, children, or even their mothers, do you cry? When you are watching a television show do you look into the body language and eye contact between characters? Is your Pinterest home page littered with proposal or wedding ideas? Then maybe—just maybe—you’re a hopeless romantic.

Well if you are anything like me then you are a hopeless romantic.

I have been an admitted Hopeless Romantic since I was 10, and it has been a life of ups and downs. They tell me that the first step to recovery is to admit that I have a problem.

I will happily admit that I have a problem, but how do you cure someone of being a Hopeless Romantic? This is my therapy… I will explore and comment on the romance of the world around me in literature, television, films and even music. If there are life moments then I will talk about that too.

Now there are some serious Pros and Cons to being a Hopeless Romantic:


-          Acutely aware of the little things

-          The world always has something to offer

-          Recognize that love is in everything

-          Constantly falling in love


-          Acutely aware of the little things

-          It is hard to separate fact from fiction

-          Easily hurt when life isn’t how you wish it to be

-          Constantly falling in love

If you noticed I mentioned two things in both categories. If you read my bio you will notice that I do come from a more cynical point of view. One of my friends claims it is because I am an Aries, and another think it is because I am an introvert. I am sure both of these factor into my perspective, but I think it is because I truly believe that love needs to be looked at objectively.

All that being said, I mentioned “acutely aware of the little things” twice. For me, this is in both categories because you can be overly aware of a tone of voice or fluttering eyelashes, and yet we can interpret the action as a good or bad. For example, I remember middle school and I had this heart stopping crush on that class clown. I looked into every detail of our interactions; the way he said my name, the instances when our eyes meet over one of his stupid jokes, and the few moments when I hoped and prayed that he felt the same way. When you are acutely aware of these “little things” then you can rarely focus on anything else. But when you think that someone doesn’t like you those same “little things” can ruin your day.

As for “constantly falling in love”… Well… I hope this would be self-explanatory. It hurts to fall in love with someone and know that there will be a moment when you have to close the book, or you see the words “The End” with the credits scrolling behind them. But when it comes to life we… I… tend to give my heart a little more freely then I would like to admit.

So that is why I am writing this blog, because I need to get this love out of my system, and writing is my one venue. I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it.

Until next time,

Peace Out Lovers!

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Much Ado About… Love?