
Have you ever heard the kind of song that just seems to take you to another realm? You close your eyes as the song envelops you, and you are able to almost see a castle in the distance or smell a meadow of fresh flowers? That is one of my favorite things to experience. Long car rides with songs like this. There are millions of songs in the world, but only a handful seem to send chills down your back and invite you to daydream. This week I’d like to share with you some of my favorites “dreaming songs” if you will. 

Kingdom Dance- Alan Menken

This song is a part of the soundtrack of Disney’s “Tangled”, one of Chloe’s all-time favorite movies. There are so many things that you can do with this song. This is one on this list that gives more of a “fantastical feel”. I can imagine myself in a long blue cloak, walking through the streets of a bustling ancient city. Really any movie soundtrack, especially Tangled’s is good for daydreaming. As this song has popularized, I’ve also got the opportunity to see and hear other people’s ideas and dreams for this song through media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. Which, speaking of, if you haven’t already, go follow @luckylittlewriter on Instagram for updates on the blog! This song is one that I keep on my daily playlist, just because every time I come back to it, I am transported into a world of fantasy and magic. 

Soldier, Poet, King- The Oh Hellos

This song is one that I found on TikTok from multiple people cosplaying with it. I was also drawn to this song because of its fantastical nature. This song, to me, not only comes with a background and a world, but it has a whole story. The instruments used in this song are also ones that you might expect to hear in a “medieval” song. This song takes me back in time, to a reality when I may have been an adventurer with a small cottage, looking for the man in these legends. A soldier who carries a mighty sword. A poet whose weapon is his word. And a ruler whose brow is laid in thorn (which I like to think of as King Jesus). The chorus is also fun to sing “Oh lei, Oh lai, Oh lei, Oh Lord”. It was funny, as I was looking at the lyrics to this song, I began to see the Lord more and more in them. I don’t know if that was the artist’s intention, but nonetheless, that is one aspect of this that I find intriguing. 

Underground- Cody Fry

Cody Fry, in my opinion, is an absolute genius. There are multiple songs of his that I really enjoy listening to. He is good at building tension within a song and finishing off with a beautiful and satisfying climax. Each of his songs is really able to tell a story and they all have an exposition, rising action, climax, etc., as a story would. This song is no exception. One thing that I love about this song especially is its climax. You can clearly hear it in the song when he says, “floating”. It gives me chills every time I listen to this song. It brings me to a world that is in his mind and I appreciate all of the imagery he puts into his music and his lyrics. This song, along with many of Cody Fry’s works, I would highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a kind of “thrilling” type of music. 

Just Friends- JORDY

As a hopeless romantic, you know I had to include love songs. Also, as a sucker for the “friends to lovers” trope, this song hits me every time. It is not necessarily one that I daydream to typically, but I felt that it should be included in this list. I love this song with all of my heart and may give you some insight into something that has happened in my life before? Unfortunately, being me, I tend to have crushes here and there, but there has always been one person that I have always loved and admired. I kick myself for that fact sometimes… even if it may be “normal” for someone my age. 

Seeing Stars- BORNS

This, yet again, is another love song. I love the lyrics to this tune and it is a song that is easy to dance and sing along to. I appreciate the easy-going nature of this song. Along with “Shut Up and Dance with Me '', this is one of my go-to feel-good songs. I want a love like this, a light-hearted love with someone that helps me to see the more vibrant colors in the world. I imagine myself dancing in a small kitchen with my partner to this song. I smile when I think of this, and I hope God will bless me with this in the future. 

Broken Things- Matthew West

This song is one of my favorite worship songs (I also love “Great I Am”). I have recommended this song to a lot of other people, and I would recommend it to you too! It talks about broken people and how God is able to use us in the most wonderful ways. One of my favorite parts in this song is, 

“Said child, don’t you know that
The first will be last 
And the last get a crown
Now I’m just a beggar in the 
presence of a King
I wish I could bring so much more
But if it’s true
You use broken things
Then here I am Lord, I’m all yours”

This for me is such a hopeful song and reminds me that I am a sinner and I am broken, but God is still able to use me. It also paints me a beautiful picture of heaven. This is a relaxing song for me that I am able to daydream about and reminds me that I am able to fully surrender and trust God in all aspects of my life. 

American Baby- Dave Matthews Band

As said with Cody Fry, Dave Matthews is another artist that I really appreciate and enjoy. His style of music is unique and just generally fun to listen to. He has come up with many insightful lyrics. Among them are, “Stay up and make some memories” and ”The future is no place to place your better days”. I enjoy his music, and this song especially. This one gives me chills and I love it so much. Another one that, again, doesn’t necessarily have a story, but I felt should be included in the list. Plus, the sax solo in this one is pretty awesome. 

Saturn- Sleeping at Last

Saturn is one that I discovered rather recently compared to the others. From what I have heard from this band, they specialize in calming, awe-inspiring music. There are so many scenarios that could go along with this song. It sounds like something out of a movie… maybe in a funeral/ death scene. For me, their songs highlight the beauty of life and how much of a gift it truly is. I recommend listening to this one and really contemplating the lyrics. 

She- Jake Scott

Guess what? Another love song. This one is special to me purely for the reason that, again, it shows the kind of unfailing and unconditional love that I long to have one day. The artist is talking about this girl that he is so desperately in love with, saying that she can see colors that he can’t see. She is so wonderfully unique and special in his eyes. This is a slow song, and fuels my imagination. For this one, I can imagine a cheesy music video about my husband singing about me, or vice versa. I hope to find this type of hopeless, unending love that is displayed in this song. 

See You Later (ten years) - Jenna Raine

The last one on this list is also one that I found fairly recently. This is one that paints a story, one of hope and of heartbreak in a way. I’m not sure how one can have both of those things in one song, but it manages to do that. Jenna sings about finding “the one” and how she is willing to wait for him. This gives me so many ideas and creates many scenes in my head, maybe for a movie, or something that would be in someone's future. There are many songs that I enjoy, but recently, this has been at the top of my list.

Music has always been very important to me and is incorporated in almost all aspects of my life. I hope you have been able to enjoy some music as you have read this blog and I also hope that this has encouraged you to daydream. Do not be afraid to dream and relax at times. Come up with insane scenarios that take you to other places. I strongly encourage you to sit and take time to be still and listen. Don’t forget to listen to your inner child. 

Until next time,
Peace Out Lovers!

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


Wonder of the World


Thankful Heart