Defending Hallmark

In my bio, I told you that I LOVE Hallmark! Did you roll your eyes? Or did you say, "Amen!"

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Why do those of us that enjoy Hallmark have to defend ourselves when we want to admit it? There is nothing wrong with Hallmark stories, they have their cons, but everything does.

I had to defend my love for Hallmark to a couple of teenagers that called me sappy. Why is that? Why does Hallmark get such a bad rap sometimes?

According to the 2020 TV Statistics, Hallmark closed out the year as the #2 Entertainment Cable Network for the entire 2020 year. This means, that while in Quarantine, people were watching and enjoying the Hallmark Channel. Why? Because it is uplifting and wholesome in a time of fear and unrest.

Hallmarks have sweet stories that are thoughtful and uplifting. They show good clean romances that are for all ages. You don't get embarrassed or cringe when watching a Hallmark movie with your Grandma.

There is something beautiful and simple about the cheesy romance.
— Chloe Bond

It also is a bonus that Hallmark hires amazing actors that bring you into the story and are good looking to boot!

Niall Matter and Ashley Williams. Two of my favorite actors.

Niall Matter and Ashley Williams. Two of my favorite actors.

I am no longer going to apologize for enjoying a simple love story. These stories are easy to get into, and they will always resolve in a Happy Ending. I am not blind to their cons, so let talk about this.


Unnecessary Drama

Drama is important to storytelling. It keeps the audience interested, drives the plot, and is satisfying when resolved. But, in my opinion, there is such a thing as unnecessary Drama.

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Unnecessary Drama is when a plot point seems forced. For example, in Marrying Mr. Darcy (Starring Cindy Busby and Ryan Pavey) the Main Drama is that Lizzy is not getting a say in her wedding. She is being pulled one way or the other, and she is getting frustrated. That is the driving force of the movie, but there is a side drama that is not needed. Darcy is trying to surprise Lizzy with an amazing honeymoon. It is a sweet idea, but Lizzy HATES surprises, and Darcy is secretive, so she becomes paranoid on top of the stress.

The one thing Emily and I yell at the TV is “JUST LISTEN AND COMMUNICATE!” We get really tired when a character eavesdrops for a minute then leaves before anything is resolved.
— Chloe Bond

In real life, we hate Unnecessary Drama, and the stress that it puts on us is not fun. Why would we want that in our movies? Sometimes, Drama is quickly resolved, but in that case why was it put in, in the first place?

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My favorite Aurora Teagarden mystery is A Game of Cat and Mouse (Candice Cameron Bure and Niall Matter). The Main Drama is that someone is out to get Aurora, but there is a side conflict that is just so unnecessary. A new member of the Real Murders Club that is always looking to one-up Aurora. So when the mystery starts he becomes an immediate suspect. He tries to solve the mystery outside the team. Aurora sees his actions for what they are, but there had to be a better way to introduce a new character to the team.

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I mean come on Dear Readers look at the picutre above it is pretty clear why we really watch Hallmark. Obviously for the men...
— Chloe Bond

Drama needs to have a good purpose, and have a resolution that satisfies all of the story, not just the mainline. Hallmark is good at that, but there are the odd handful of stories that are too much drama.

Repetitive storytelling/bad adaptation

These stories can be the same thing over and over again. There is something to the saying "You've seen them once you've seen them all." There is also a tendency to adapt the classics and twist them up into something unrecognizable.

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When you are producing more than 30 new movies between two channels, Hallmark and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, there are going to be repeats of stories. Now normally this isn't a bad thing, but it does become a bad thing when you can name four stories that are the same story just a different name. Usually, these are adaptations of classic books. Pride & Prejudice tends to be a favorite adaptation. Jane Austen is a favorite in the romance readings, so it makes total sense that she would be retold time and again. Unleashing and Marrying Mr. Darcy are the obvious ones, but there is Christmas at Pemberley Manor or Sense, Sensibility, and Snowmen. Again these are not bad movies, but sometimes it feels like they needed a new movie and just filled out a premade story outline.

Social Stigma

It is almost hard to admit to the public that I am a Hallmark Watcher. Even in my own family it sometimes feels like they think I am dumb for enjoying the "stupid" predictable storylines.

 I told a young lady that I loved watching Hallmark movies and immediately felt the judgment piercing me through her stare. In her brain, I was suddenly a mushy sentimentalist, and in this case weak because I liked a simple love story. Hallmarks tend to shy away from the twisted love triangles where your partner could cheat on you at any second. They don't create stories where you never know if the main love interest is good or bad... or plain psychotic.

Another good thing is that Hallmark is very good at staying away from “cheating” as much as possible. Most of the time the main character is single or they break up before anything serious happens. Those are the best ones.
— Chloe Bond

            Today, our culture likes to subscribe to the mental abuse that makes Harley and Joker so appealing. Edward, Bella, and Jacob figuratively created factions among Twilight readers, putting Bella in the middle and the readers couldn't trust her to make the right decision until the Author took Edward and Bella to the altar, and even then there was a completely unnecessary tension. I attribute the whole idea of "shipping" to the Twilight craze, "Which team are you? I am Team Jacob." "Shipping" was further encouraged by Katniss Everdeen that couldn't make her mind up between the Boy-Next-Door, Peeta, and the Hot-Wild-Child, Gale.

            The relationships in Movies and TV shows that are being raised to "relationship goals" status are not the best stories! Young ladies that I talk to like the stories where the main guy is mean and rough, but the lady can smooth out the edges with time. Or they read stories that make you question the motives of the character’s "love" and the author plays a psychological mind game with the Reader's heart. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE MESSED UP PHENOMENON THAT IS FIFTY SHADES OF GREY!!

            These stories are labeled as abuse in real life! These are the stories that our culture wants us to aspire to? Hallmark refuses the Pop Culture themes, they stick to their morals and beliefs and for that, they are weak and not good romances?


Good Quality Romances

"Hallmark gives the viewer unrealistic expectations of Romance." LIES! The "Unrealistic expectations" come from the stories that encourage girls to tame their men.

Any married couple that has been happily married for years will tell you that life is about a series of choices, choices to let the little things get to you or not. Hallmark doesn't have anyone changing who they are at the core level. Those who start as gruff and harsh are just trying to protect themselves so you watch walls break down, the person is not changing any core beliefs or morals because of their partner's influence. A great example of this is Frozen in Love. The story is about the partnership between a suspended Hockey player and a know-it-all bookstore owner.

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Hallmark pays attention to the needs of their characters. As each partner grows the other figures out where they belong in the narrative. These romances can happen in real life and that is what makes them superior in my opinion.

This whole thought process started because I wanted to show the girls that I mentor that movies and TV shows have great examples of how love languages are displayed. In particular, I was showing them Cooking with Love. This follows the story of TV producer, Kelly Matter and her new Host, Chef Stephen Harris. I love this one because it speaks my love language which is Quality Time. Our two main characters fall in love the more time they spend together, sharing a bit more about each other and how the other became who they are. That is the type of relationship I want these girls to see as common and important. I don't want them thinking that love is abusive or even based on angst.

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Range of Stories

            Now earlier I mentioned that with the demand for new stories there is a tendency to repeat the same plot. This is a problem, but there is also something for everyone. 

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If you want a guy who is a Firefighter with a big heart, come Christmas you should try, Nine Lives of Christmas or A Glenbrooke Christmas.

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If you are looking for a CEO that is not as high and mighty as he pretends, try Unleashing Mr. Darcy or Falling for You.

These are just a couple that I have come to enjoy. Honestly, I have noticed for myself I tend to enjoy the movies that I have chefs in it. There is just something about a guy that loves to cook that makes my heart skip a beat. If you are like me the I recommend, Cooking with Love, and Season For Love.

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Happy Ending

            We all deserve happy endings, so why not enjoy the knowledge that no matter what happens in the story you can look forward to how they come back together.

            I don't care how simple people may think I am. If I can let go of my busy schedule, enjoy a bowl of popcorn and a sweet romance then I am going to do it.

So what if a Hallmark movie is just a 90 minute commercial for Hallmark cards?

Another thing that Emily seemed to leave out is that we have a whole list of our favorite Hallmark men and we purposefully watch those movies/TV.
— Chloe Bond

I can always count on a good clean story, a HOT guy, and a happy ending. For that Hallmark will always be on my Channel listing.

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Until Next Time,

Peace Out, Lovers!

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


The Game of Love


Sacrificial Love