A Christmas Love Story


Merry Christmas Dear Readers!

I am so happy to say that after a lot of crazy things going on and a break from writing, but I am back! I thought, before the holiday season is over, I would share with you what I love about Christmas the most, and that is telling one of the greatest love stories ever told. Within the Christmas story itself there are two major love stories.

Mary and Joseph were two regular people that God handpicked to be the birth father and mother of Baby Jesus. Mary was just a girl when she was visited by Gabriel, but instead of doubting the Lord she accepted the challenge and said to Gabriel, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me” (Luke 1:38). Mary may have been a little scared but she knew that this was God’s will and she gets the opportunity to be a part of it.

Joseph, on the other hand, was not as accepting at first. In fact, he was so terrified and mad that Gabriel had to appear to him in a dream to talk some sense into him. When Joseph realized Mary was telling the truth and God as sent them on this journey together he got up and became the man that Mary needed.

Think about it, do you think it was easy for them to think about being parents to God’s only child? What if they messed up? I am not saying they didn’t have doubts, but if they did they prayed about it and let all their worries go to God.


I can just picture Joseph in the stable with Mary who is singing a lullaby to the child, and him looking around thinking, “The savior was just born in a sable...I am already off to a rough start.” Mary looks over to see the worry on Joseph’s face and starts to hand him Jesus. As Joseph holds Jesus, he can feel his little heartbeat on his chest and he starts to tense up in fear of the delicacy of the child. Mary touches Joseph’s face and when they make eye contact she says, “I believe in you.”

They are in this together and their story will live on forever. The birth of Jesus changed everything and they were prepared for that, but that does not mean they did not struggle a little bit, but they brought their best efforts and that is all God needed from them.

The final love story is about God sending down His one and only son to be the savior of the whole world. That’s HUGE! God loved us so much that He wanted to grant us access into Heaven and a choice to be with Him. The love that Jesus passed as he grew up and influenced people was the same love that God has for us when He sent us Jesus and then the Holy Spirit. The price of admission to be with God in Heaven is as simple as opening a door.

This Christmas season I encourage all of you to be a light in your community and to show love to those around you. Even to those who are not the nicest people. This year let’s flip the world upside down by showing love and letting God shine through us.

Until then,

Peace out Lovers!


Love vs. Fear


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