I Wanna Hold Your Hand

There is something so pure and innocent about holding another person’s hand and there are so many situations in which it can be done. Most people think of holding hands as a way to say “mine” in a relationship, but other than that, why do people hold hands? I want to go over 3 relationships where holding hands may appear in our everyday lives: romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships. 

The Beatles once sang, “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” But why did they pick that specifically? They didn’t sing “I want to kiss you” or “I want to cuddle with you” (although I would love those too). This is because there is something so special about holding someone else’s hand that nothing else can replicate. 

In a romantic relationship, with a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, holding hands is an outward display of affection that says, “She’s/He’s mine” in its own special way. In addition to this, it is also a subtle gesture that tells your partner “you will never face this world alone”. It makes the couple feel a sense of security and comfort around each other. Usually, when a couple holds hands, their fingers are intertwined. This shows a deeper connection that one simply cannot get with family or friendships. It is a romantic kind of love. The kind of love where, in marriage, two people become one. There truly is nothing like the feeling of when someone intertwines their fingers with yours for the first time. The slight heat tints your cheeks as their thumb traces light circles against your palm. 

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I’ve always been drawn to hands. I think it’s because it’s the way that we touch people. Compassion is the greatest form of love that humans have to offer. I have this theory that if one person, can go out of their way to show compassion, it could start a chain reaction.
— Rachel Scott

The next relationship in which the action of holding hands can take place is in a family relationship. Parents will hold a child’s hand to show them that they are safe. To build a connection with their child that displays trust and loyalty, but It gives the same message of love and security that one would have in a romantic relationship. 

One custom in my household that is dear to my heart is holding hands during prayer. For as long as I can remember, my family has always come together for family dinners and during prayer, we all hold hands. My family will even hold hands during prayer when we are at a restaurant or have company over. This has been so wired into my brain to the point that whenever someone prays, I instinctively reach for someone’s hand, no matter the situation. For me, it has become a habit, and I do believe that habit is beneficial. This helps us as a family to develop a sense of connection and security during prayer and as we go about our daily lives. 

However, you will also notice that when a family holds hands, most of them will do what I like to call the “cupping” method. This is when each member makes a “cup” with their hand and then they hold the other person’s hand by either hooking fingers or touching palms. It is very rare that their fingers are “intertwined”.  This is fitting because this still establishes the connection between friends and family, but is not as intimate of a gesture as it would be with a significant other. 

In friendships, some also hold hands. Again, it is not usually as intimate as it would be with a significant other, but it is a way to silently say “I am here for you.” Friends will hold hands to comfort each other in times of sadness, but this gesture is also there in times of joy. Friends hold hands to build connection and give each other a sense of security and comfort. Other times, friends take you by the hand to lead you into an adventure. 

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So, why do we hold hands? There is no simple answer to this, but I do believe holding hands is an important part of life. It gives a sense of comfort that nothing else can replicate. So, if you don’t mind me saying… I wanna hold your hand. 

Until next time, 

Peace Out Lovers!

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


Together or Not At All


Romantic Quotes/Moments in Movies