Little Things

Hello Dear Readers!

It's been such a long time, and I’m glad to be back. Life has been crazy lately. So many huge things have been happening in my life, but today I would like to talk about the little things. I’m sure all of you have heard the saying “stop and smell the roses,” meaning that sometimes in life, we need to stop what we’re doing in our busy schedules and enjoy the smaller things in life. The things in our every day that we tend to overlook.

One saying that has recently come to mind, and I have been reminded of lately, has been,

It’s the little things in life that make it worth living.

Let me tell you a quick story…

As most of you know, I do marching band during this time of the year, and on top of classes and everything else, I’m usually super busy during this time. However, I get to hone my skills with an amazing band that I love and cherish. Recently, one of our top judges in the state came to work with our band to clinic us and help the band improve before our first competition (this upcoming weekend, prayers for that, please!). Now, I’ve known this judge for a while now, and he always says the same thing when it comes to clinics. “It’s the little things.” With him, we spend minutes, sometimes hours, working on very minor details (such as horn snaps or keeping our feet in time). These details seem tedious and insignificant at the moment, but they make a whole lot of difference in the end. I find life to be like this too.

Now, as a hopeless romantic, it seems like the big gestures and huge acts of kindness that makes you feel like the main character are the moments in life you will remember. While I admit that sometimes they are, I have to disagree with the generalization that that is all that life is made up of. Because usually, it’s the little things that we remember. We remember those sideways glances in the hallways, the smiles we receive on the street, and even the small compliment someone gave you on your eyes weeks ago that has still somehow stuck. 

Often the moments that I think about the most for a future relationship or marriage aren’t the big things. Yes, I look forward to the wedding, proposal, and things like that. I can’t wait for the movie nights and evenings when we get to sit inside our house with hot chocolate and snuggle. I can’t wait for others to see the way he looks at me. I can’t wait to lie on his lap as I fall asleep, talk, and read a book while he plays video games. I can't wait to get to know his quirks and all the little things that make him, him. I’m excited to get to know him and his favorite color, mythical creature, animal, and even game. 

In a relationship or even in a friendship, grand gestures are nice sometimes, but can often be too big and seem almost impersonal. I know another person cares about me when they start to remember the little things… like my favorite candy or drink or the way I part my hair… (for Bella and Luke!). To be known is what makes us feel loved as humans. All we want in life is to be loved for who we truly are. 

It’s also a matter of being grateful for the little things in life like “wow, that sandwich was really good,” or the fact that I was warm when I woke up this morning. The little things are what can make or break a day, or even a life. If little inconveniences plague me all day, the day can end up being horrible. However, on the contrary, if the day is filled with little conveniences, things that make my life easier, I would usually say it’s been a good day.

Looking back at some pictures I recently took of my friends, the thing that caught me while looking at those pictures wasn’t the huge things that we did or the super nice poses that we had. It was the smiles on my friends’ faces that genuinely showed happiness. The candid shots of us just having fun. The little things in life are truly what make it worth living. 

However, in addition, we also need to know how and when to stop to look over the little things that are often missed. We need to tune our minds and hearts to be grateful in our everyday lives. So, I encourage you guys to stop and look for the little things in our busy lives. Quick smiles, little conveniences, or little pleasures that make all the difference. We often tend to rush, but I’d like to bring attention to our roses. Take time to stop and smell your roses.

Until Next Time,

Peace Out, Lovers!

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


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