Marriage… an institute you can’t disparage.

It amazes me how differently single ladies react to married couples, or maybe it is just me and my best friend. Our reactions to married couples --real life or Hollywood depictions-- are completely opposite. She sees them as slightly ridiculous, or in her words "Couples are gross!" I, personally, am fascinated by couples. What makes them bond? Why these two people? Though she and I see couples so differently, we agree that there is one movie couple that we wish to emulate someday...

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Nick and Nora Charles!

 Mr. and Mrs. Charles are the main characters of a mystery series called "The Thin Man.” These movies were released off and on between 1934-1947. The iconic couple is played by William Powell and Myrna Loy.

William Powell (1892-1984); Myrna Loy (1905-1993)

William Powell (1892-1984); Myrna Loy (1905-1993)

These two studio-era starlets have starred in a total of fourteen movies together, and their on-screen chemistry is phenomenal. They are most known for their depiction of the renowned detective and his beautiful wife. According Hollywood Historian, Jeanine Basinger, “The marriage of Nick and Nora Charles was the one most moviegoers coveted.” In her book I Do and I Don’t: A History of Marriage in the Movies, she depicts how Hollywood has influenced the way that Americans have view the sanctity of Marriage. Basinger explains that the Charles’ show the world a couple that wasn’t bogged down in the rigmarole of everyday life and decisions, like Rob and Laura Petrie from The Dick Van Dyke Show, or like the competitive couples continuously depicted by Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy.

A quick overview of the couple:

When you first meet them in "The Thin Man" they have been married for about four years and they are in New York on vacation. This is where we see their story begin as Nick is dragged into a case of missing person and murder. Nick just wanted a lovely Christmas holiday with his sweet bride, but Nora wanted to watch and marvel at her genius husband in his element.

The more times I watch any of these films, the more I see the subtle nuances of their uniquely sweet relationship.

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There are four aspects of their marriage that I would like to spotlight.

First is their obvious attraction for each other. There are so many moments when Nick and Nora sneak little kisses or look at each other with adoration. Every couple is cute (or disgusting) in their own way, but the Charles’ have a great banter and sharp wit to keep each other on their toes.

Secondly, they have fun! They are playmates; they know that the other is almost always up for an adventure. Nora loves meeting the strange people that gravitate toward Nick. Nick loves that his wife is always up for a good party, but also values their home life and privacy.

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The third aspect I love about these two is that they make things work, even when it seems like the only thing they have in common is their love of alcohol. Walking Asta, their dog, is one of their bonding activities, and both are happy to spend a quiet dinner together or host a party for all their friends.

They are from two different worlds. Nick is a detective from the shady underworld of New York, and she is a wealthy socialite from the hills of San Francisco. Nick is constantly teasing Nora about making sure they don't lose any of the money for which he married her. Nora takes his teasing in stride and gives it back in her own time and way.

Lastly, these two genuinely support each other. Especially in the first movie, Nora pushes Nick into a case because she'd heard stories of Nick's incredible detective days, and wanted to see him in action. She quickly became the Watson to his Sherlock, and she is always ready to be by his side when he catches the bad guy.  Nick is always impressed with Nora's ability to just go with the flow, or take the craziness surrounding them in stride. Sometimes she even throws herself into the action to save her man.

Their marriage is the stuff of dreams, at least my dreams. They play with each other, they trust each other, and they truly love each other.

I love their story, so much so that I wrote a fanfiction as a prequel to their story:

I want a marriage that is just fun. I want a love that is comforting and supportive.

Until Next Time,
Peace Out Lovers!

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


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