Motherly Love

Hello Dear Readers!

I am so glad to be back in the saddle writing again for this new year. I am so glad Emily started this blog and invited me to collaborate because it has been a GREAT way to help me run through all my random thoughts about different topics.

With that being said let’s jump into today’s topic…what characteristics do I want to have as a mom? So I picked three Disney moms that have qualities that I strive to have everyday.

Now believe it or not this topic was harder than I thought it would be because most of the Disney moms are evil, stepmothers, or dead. BUT there were a couple that have stood out to me over the years and that I have really clung to as I have stepped into motherhood. So here, Dear Readers, in no particular order here are the three Disney moms that hold a special place in my heart.


Starting off this list is Kala from the Disney movie Tarzan. Kala is a gorilla that one day stumbled upon a human baby that was crying in the jungle. When she found Tarzan, his parents had been slaughtered by the leopard named Sabor. Because of her kind heart and aching wish to be a mother she took Tarzan and saved him from Sabor and raised him as her own.

I love Kala because she went through a traumatic event that no mother should have experienced. Kala had her own baby gorilla at the beginning of the movie and one day that gorilla ran away from the protection of his mother and was eaten by Sabor. Finding Tarzan was like her second chance at being a mother and raising someone else who had lost everything. Although all the other gorillas thought she was crazy, Kala persevered and taught Tarzan that even though they are different on the outside they both have many things in common, including their heart.

As I raise Penny and our other children, if God allows, I want them to know that they are specially made and each one of them will hold a special place in my heart. Most importantly they are precious and loved by God and it is my job to teach them and show them that kind of love. That is why I love Kala because she loved Tarzan no matter what and she was always there to support him in anything he needed.


If you have no idea who this is you need to stop reading this blog and go watch Emperor’s New Groove! Chicha is so much fun and even though we only really get to see her for a couple minutes throughout the whole movie I just LOVE all her scenes. She loves her kids, supports her husband, and can kick butt when danger is around.

In this clip Pacha, her husband, has just traveled back from seeing the emperor and we initially meet Chicha. Just in this one scene you can see that her husband is important to her, and she hates to see him be disrespected and wants to fight for him. Now Ryan and I, when we first got pregnant, we talked about how in our family he will always come before my kids. That is because when we got married, we became “one” and even though our kids are special they do not come between our love for each other.

Chicha also has a fun side that every mom should have because being a mom is not always easy, but she handles herself well.

In this next clip we see Yzma and Kronk trying to look for Kuzko at Pacha’s house. Chicha knows that something is fishy, and she not only helps her husband get a head start but she teaches her kids self defense and how to get rid of bad people. All while being pregnant, I might add.

What a great mom and wife!

Queen Elinor

For my last entry I want to bring up the mamma bear herself Queen Elinor. In the beginning Elinor is uptight and strives to be the “perfect” queen. Her job is to teach Merida all the ways to be a queen so that way she can run a good kingdom like she has. Elinor, behind Merida’s back, assembles the clans and has their first-born sons compete in archery for Merida’s hand in marriage. Merida hates that her mother is pushing for marriage, and she wants to be independent so she asks a witch for a spell that will “change” her mother. Well, that spell happened to turn her into a big black bear.

Now for Merida to turn her mother back she must follow this riddle:

Fate Be Changed

Look Inside

Mend the Bond Torn by Pride

They must complete this by the 2nd sunrise or else Elinor will be a bear forever. Elinor and Merida have a hard time properly communicating with each other. Their main problem is that neither of them are listening to EACH OTHER. Elinor thinks she knows what is best, but she is not considering Merida’s feelings or that Merida is different than most girls. Merida is so stubborn that she does not listen to her mother and understands that she just wants what is best for her. Pride is keeping their relationship apart, but when they acknowledge their wrongdoing, they mend their bond and can “change” together.

Elinor taught me that as I parent Penny I need to be mindful of the lady she will grow up to be and to listen to her with an open mind and heart. Communication is a huge topic that we take very seriously in the Bond household. Ryan and I make sure to properly communicate and I hope we will be able to pass that on to our children.

So, there you have it! Those are my top three Disney mothers that I learn from and that I hope to acquire their traits throughout my motherhood walk. Thank you for sticking with me and I hope you enjoyed it!

Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers!




The Last Olympian