My Stories

You know that I love writing with my whole heart (I am part of this, aren’t I?) but sometimes I wonder why. Why is writing so much fun for me? I love being able to communicate and create through words, but I think ultimately, it has to do with the fact that I have the ability to make a world come to life with just a few words. So many ideas are tossed around in my head daily that I grapple with and even sometimes end up writing out. In fact, I was going to go write a story before I remembered that this was my week for the blog and I needed material! This week I’d like to give you all a peek into a few of the worlds I have created and haven’t gotten the opportunity to share yet. It’s going to be like a small peek into my head! (I have made an account on Wattpad though if you want to read some of these short stories in full. @ScarlettMaeLLW)

First is going to be a fantasy world that I made up about a year ago with some friends (fantasy as in pirates, mages, mermaids, queens, etc.). Each of us had a character in this (based on ourselves, but different names) and we added a few more along the way. I ended up writing most of the stories for this, but it is one of my favorites that I mess around with still. This world is made up of little short stories, but I plan on meshing them together to create a bigger story, maybe a book, in the future. I'll show you a small excerpt from one of my favorites in this world. Naomi and Liam, who are our two characters in the “enemies to lovers” arc, are up in the crow’s nest (lookout point) of Liam’s ship. He is a pirate working with the land’s struggling queen, Naomi.

“You look terrified,” he raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” I took a deep breath and tried to straighten my back. “I may be slightly afraid of heights.”

“Really?” He chuckled. I scowled at him.

“How can you even come here?” I asked. “It’s so… high.”

“Well,” he smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. “I just came to relax.” He paused. “This is my happy place.”

“I wish I had one of those,” I sighed.

Liam tilted his head a bit. “You really don’t have one?”

“Not one that I can stay in for too long.” I closed my eyes. “Not without getting caught by guards and endless responsibilities.” I heard no response, just light breathing beside me. “Being a queen isn’t like it is in the books.”

“No Prince Charming?”

I just shook my head. “Nope.”

I felt arms come around my waist and hands lie on top of my own. My eyes shot open and my body tensed. “You can relax here.” He whispered into my ear. “Promise.”

That is only a small taste of their romance! Maybe I’ll introduce some more characters from this to you too at some point!

The next excerpt comes from a short story that I started back in 7th grade (so excuse some of the writing). This one follows a girl named Rachel who is flung into another dimension after a freak accident. What she wakes up to is a world beyond her imagination, one where she soon finds that magic is real (and used in everyday life), but fire is non-existent. She finds a boy who is a powerful mage and scholar and has to help her get back to her world. I originally planned on making this a series, but eventually, I kind of gave up and haven’t really come back to it. I’d love to do some more world-building with these characters and this world. 

“Harper. Harper?” His deep voice broke through my thoughts. 

“Huh? Ok, wait. Who are you?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. “Do you not remember anything from last night?”

I took the question into consideration, “Not really.”

“I’m Travis. You are in an alternate universe.” He spoke really slowly like I was a five-year-old. How immature!

“Wait. So the dream was real?”

“I don’t think that you can make that stuff up.” Travis reached out and tapped my forehead, “Not even in that crazy head of yours.”

I sat there, deep in thought. How could it be real? “Prove it.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me?”

 “Prove. It.” 

He rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He looked directly at me as he held his fingers to the ceiling. With a small gesture, shards of ice shot from his fingers. 

I looked at him, terrified. “Fair enough,” I squeaked.

Travis handed me a plate piled with food. “You're going to need the energy for today.” 

I reluctantly took the food from him and went to sit on the cloud couch.

“Woah,” Travis walked into the room. “No eating on the couch.” 

I roll my eyes, “It’s a cloud.” 

“I know. You’re going to stain it.” 

I forgot how much I loved their dynamic. It’s hard to believe that was one of the first stories that I wrote… Coming back to that one soon, for sure!

Everyone has been fascinated with the zombie apocalypse at some point, right? Well, I definitely have, and guess what? I made a story out of it! I came up with this idea with one of my friends and we both love it! This small part is set in an “oasis” in the mountains, where zombies are kept out and people are kept safe. However, this camp only takes certain people and basically murders the rest. One of the character’s former allies, Oliver, turns out to be a part of this organization and murder, so the steaks are high. 

Oliver’s dark brown hair fell in front of his face as he doubled over, still laughing in utter delight. I should have known this was coming. We should have known. 

Oliver soon got a hold of himself and stood to look at us. He ran his palm through his hair and took a deep breath as he looked at me from across the bridge. His amber eyes bore into mine as he walked towards me. A smirk was painted across his face. One that I might have found playful instead of malicious a few weeks ago. 

Thick tension hung in the air as both of us refused to say the first words. His eyes studied me for a moment before they wandered over to Peter’s belt.

He scoffed. “I thought we agreed to no weapons.” He raised an eyebrow at Peter, keeping his smile plastered across his face. 

“That was before I figured out you were essentially a murderer,” Peter growled. I could see the tension in his frame. His jaw was set and his fists were clenched. He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was pissed. “How could you leave people out there to die? Are you crazy?”

Oliver’s smile dropped and he lifted his chin. “Well,” he took a step closer so he was only a few feet away from us now. “I was never really sane to begin with.”

“You got that right,” Naomi piped up from behind me. Her black curls were tied into a tight bun, but I could see some stray hair already falling out. She was glaring at Oliver and I had a feeling that I may have to stop her from lunging at him in the next few moments.

I looked between them, trying to anticipate what might happen next. I was grasping at straws, desperately trying to figure out how to diffuse the situation, although I knew we were far beyond that point. I turned to Oliver, not really knowing what to do next.

“You need to stop this,” I looked into his eyes, desperate to find any sign of sanity left. 

He laughed again and turned to me. “That’s not what you were saying when you kissed me, love.” He brought his fingers up to his mouth, tracing the line of his lips.

Bone-chilling… one that I am still going to add to in the future!

The next few are actually from some school assignments. The first is heavily influenced by the Ascendance Series by Jennifer A. Neilson (highly recommend those books). This story is about a peasant boy named Teean who is captured by pirates who are invading his land. He eventually meets his king, makes friends with him, and they escape together! The story did have a lot of “lucky coincidences” that I had to put in, just to make it shorter for the assignment (I still turned in 20 pages), which I’d like to eliminate later. One of these is the fact that they were being kept in a storage room with a weapons crate (which helped them escape). If I do come back to this story, I’d like to make the characters struggle a bit more. 

She hadn’t noticed us yet, but some vigils definitely did. They ran towards us, swords drawn, yelling orders to each other. “Get them!” They must have recognized me from the first day. 

Both Jack and I unsheathed our weapons and got ready to defend ourselves. The vigils were almost upon us when the captain turned to see what all the commotion was about. Her green eyes focused on me, then Jack. Clara whistled, a high pitched sound that pierced the air. The vigils stopped in their tracks. Clara looked straight at Jack. She made the slightest movement with her head to the right. Some vigils behind us took the signal and locked us in their grip. We had been so focused on the captain, we hadn’t anticipated their movements. Our weapons were dropped, and soon we were defenseless. 

Captain Clara sauntered up to us, her jacket swaying in the sea breeze. She addressed Jack first. “Well,” her lips twisted into an evil smile, “if it isn’t Jackson Warren Wilkerson. Your royal majesty!” She gave a low, mocking bow. 

Jack’s eyes turned to fire. He struggled to get out of the vigil’s grip, as he kicked and clawed. I had no doubt that his thoughts in that moment were anything the saints would ever be proud of. Clara simply ignored him and went on. “I came looking for you. How rude of you not to show up earlier. A guest should be greeted in a timely manner. Don’t you think so?” She waited, but got no response from Jack. The captain laughed, and then moved on to me. 

She looked me in the eye. I could see every drop of evil seeping from her emerald eyes. Clara grabbed my chin. “Well, Teean. I see you’ve gotten a little,” she tilted my head, “haircut.” She let go, stepping back to examine me. “Honestly, I would have never guessed that you would have teamed up with this poor excuse for a king.” Her eyes shifted to Jack. 

“It was of my own free accord, Clara.”

She raised a dark eyebrow. “Was it now? I thought you had better taste. You have spunk, Teean. Something I like, and think we need a little more of on this crew. It really is too bad I’ll have to kill you along with your pathetic little king.” The Captain smiled. She unsheathed a dagger that hung from her waist, and stepped toward Jack

The final story that I will show you is also for a school assignment, but this one is much more recent. I had a hard time coming up with a concept for this one, but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless. It is about two assassins/ spies who are best friends. Their agency and lives are threatened when one villain attacks their organization. It's up to them to stop her… 

I stumbled out of my bed in a panic, not even bothering to change out of my pajamas as I bolted out into the hall. 

Red lights flashed as sirens wailed, signaling the start of an attack. Other agents ran through the quarters, only some still left in my hall. I ran to the stairs, trying to make my way into the main lobby. Whoever was attacking, I knew that would be the first place they would target.

I almost tripped over my feet several times. No one else was in the stairwell with me, so I expected the journey to be quick. My feet slammed against the concrete stairs that seemed to go on forever. 

I felt long fingers close around my wrist as I passed another flight of stairs. My eyes widened and my brain went into auto pilot. I flipped the man over my shoulder and secured his wrists with my knees when he hit the ground. In the dark it was hard to tell, but eventually I knew it was Adam. 

“What are you doing here?” I hissed.

“We’re all trying to get to the main deck,” he groaned. “But I figured it would be better if we stayed together.”

“You can’t just grab my wrist when we’re in the middle of an attack. I could’ve hurt you!”

“I know that,” he sprung up and quickly dusted off his shirt. “But I needed to get your attention somehow. You had tunnel vision coming down those stairs. You didn’t even see me when you passed.”

I sighed, knowing we had little time before something horrible happened. We had already wasted enough time talking. “Come on,” I replied. “We need to get down there and help.”

Blood started to pound in my ears, muffling the sirens. My heartbeat became amplified and all I could think about was the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I continued down the stairs, with Adam following close behind. We had entered another platou, and the door to the main lobby was in sight. 

That’s when everything went silent. I looked around in confusion, stopping dead in my tracks. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned to Adam. His mouth moved, but no sound came forth. His eyes became glassy as his hands rose up to grip my shoulders. He shook me slightly, realizing that I couldn’t hear a word that he said. Red lights continued to flash, but the sound of the siren was absent.

He tried to help me down the stairs, struggling to get me to take even one step. When my knees buckled, I fell into his chest. He sat me up against the wall, still trying to talk to me.

The voices then started, the only thing I could hear. First many, then one. One deep, buzzing voice that struck terror into the marrow of my bones.

“Bring me the power,” the voice spoke, resonating within my skull. “It would be far less painful. This is your warning, before I take it by force. I do this for one person alone. Thank them for the mercy you have received.”

The voice was silenced in an instant and my vision blackened as I fell into an abyss.

I’d like to thank you all for sticking with me and reading this far! I’d love to bring more of these stories to life in the future and I enjoy sharing them, even if none of them are quite finished yet. Let me know if you want any more! Remember, don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild… cool things like these could end up coming out of it!

Until Next Time,
Peace out Lovers!

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


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