The Protective Love of Mortimer Brewster

My best friend's family is obsessed with movies, so much so they have created a list of their Top 100 Movies. In their top of three is a screwball comedy that never ceases to make me laugh: Arsenic and Old Lace.

Let me start with a brief overview of the movie. The movie revolves around a dramatic critic and confirmed bachelor Mortimer Brewster. He has just gotten married to the preacher's daughter Elaine Harper, and he comes to break the news to his Aunts, and in the process stumbles across a dead body.

I wanted you to see the clip above to give you an idea of how amazing this comedy actually is, but I needed you to get an idea of who Mortimer Brewster is. I want to talk about the protective love of Mortimer Brewster. There are three specific people in Mortimer's life that he is determined to protect and one that he protects by association.

I have been reading up on Alpha males, Mortimer isn't the perfect Alpha man but he has some of the better qualities. The ones that I want to focus on are his purpose, his ability to make quick and steady decisions, and his love for his family.

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His purpose is very clear… he needs to protect his family at all costs. The moment he comes to grips with his aunts' "charity" he becomes determined to do something to cover their tracks. His scapegoat is simple, his "crazy" brother, Teddy. Teddy is the youngest Brewster but believes he is President Theodore Roosevelt. The plan is to have Teddy committed to Happydale Sanitarium, and from there the murders can be discovered and no one would question it when Teddy pleaded insanity. I know this doesn't sound good for our leading man but he knows that the police would just end up committing Teddy anyway.

There are three things that Mortimer tries to protect: His Aunts' reputation, His brother's simple mental state, and even his wanted brother.

These lovely sweet old ladies are the pinnacle of sweetness and generosity. When we are introduced to them both the Reverend Harper and Constable have nothing but praise for these ladies. Mortimer intends to keep it this way. He hopes that if he lectures them they will stop their "charity."

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When that doesn't work, he moves on to the original plan of getting Teddy to commit himself. Every time his brother enters the room Mortimer snaps to attention and pays his brother the respect given to the "President" himself. Teddy sees the world through his simple delusion and the whole community is willing to support the delusion. The beat officers salute him, Mortimer convinces the Doctor that needs to sign the papers to play along, and even the Police Chief and Sanitarium director are reluctantly sucked into the charade.

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Mortimer is trying to do what is best for his brother and his aunts, but then in walks another obstacle… Jonathan Brewster.

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Jonathan and Dr. Einstein are running from the law and figured that they wouldn't be found in Jonathan's childhood home, and they "have a hot stiff on their hands." Mortimer comes home from the judge to find that there is another body in the window seat. He assumes that it is another victim of his Aunts', but Jonathan tips his hand and reveals that this particular "gentleman" belongs to him.

Mortimer has the perfect opportunity to blame the murders on his brother, Jonathan has an impressive record and is wanted in many states. All he had to do was call the police and the rest would work out for itself. Between his aunt's reputation, Teddy's harmless delusion, and his brother's wanted status, a quick one-sided conversation of "Them" vs. "Him" and Jonathan would lose fast.

But as easy as that option would be Mortimer still gave Jonathan a way out. All Jonathan had to do was take his "friends" and go, but no one tells Jonathan what to do! This shows that Mortimer still loves his brother, but just doesn't want to be mixed up in his shenanigans.

This is all a roundabout way to get to my point. Every time I encounter this story I am sucked in by the disconnect of the characters the macabre storyline. Mortimer's reaction is completely expected, and his slow mental spiral is understandable, but he is still able to keep his priorities straight.

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I will support Mortimer Brewster until kingdom comes because he upholds my personal priority: Family always comes first!

I strongly encourage everyone to experience this story, whether it is the play, movie, or television adaptation. I would love to know what character grabs your attention.

Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers!

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Broken Hearts and Cherished Memories


Love vs. Fear