Our World, Beyond Belief

Have you ever stopped to look around and been able to take a look at all the beautiful things around you? I’m sure everyone has, but I am also sure that very few fully understand the true beauty and complexity of our everyday lives (including myself). I believe this is partially due to the vastness of everything that we see and experience and it's hard to fathom all of it. I have been learning about neurons in school recently and I always find myself thinking… What an amazing God we have! What intricate detail and complexity he put into the world and humanity. 

As I look at the world around me I always find things to be amazed at. How our bodies work, how engines work (and how someone was able to think up the idea), how mountains are made, and how foxes have a unique way of hunting are some that I have only gathered within the past few days! Butterflies, rocks, stars, animals, and architecture are a few more things that I find amazing. All of the little intricacies of the world that God has put into place for his children to discover. Seeing the world around me, even as broken and twisted as it is, is still beautiful. That beauty in the world, I believe, is God in disguise. I like to think of them as little fragments of Heaven the Lord has left us to appreciate (although I’m sure Heaven is much better than anyone can imagine).

Humans, especially, are an example of this beauty. How God made his children with a purpose and motivation. He gave us the understanding and capacity to feel love and emotion. The same emotions that drive us to praise him and build relationships with him and others. Souls. How beautiful and complex our souls are that hold our very being, the one our Lord tailored in his image. He gave you and me passions, motivations, and all the little details that make up our personalities. By him, we are fully known. That is a concept that I find comforting. The fact that he knows me. My deepest desires, my greatest fears, and the things and people I love most. I have been trying to work on building a personal relationship with him so that I am able to see him even further in my daily life. 

Not only did he give us beautiful souls, but he also gave us a truly amazing physical body too (even if it is temporary). He gave us brains that are able to process information within milliseconds. Nerves that can send electrical impulses at over 250 miles an hour. Irises that change size based on the amount of light necessary to intake. A heart that pumps blood all throughout the body 104,000 times a day (on average)! 

I like to think of what heaven may be like when our bodies are restored and all that we can imagine is fulfilled and overflowed through the goodwill of God… but that is for another time.  

I don’t have a very deep understanding of how things work in the world but what still continues to baffle me, is how intricate, purposeful, and beautiful God truly is. 

I have gotten the opportunity to experience and live a full life that I believe has a purpose through him. He has a plan that will come in his timing, even though he knows that I like to rush things and usually have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. 

This has been something on my heart recently that I wanted to share. Although it is relatively short, I hope you enjoy it and go into this next week thinking about and admiring the world that God created. So, next time you go outside, remember to see a little magic in the details of the world that God has put in place. Thank him that we get the opportunity to see them and experience them! Praise him for how beautiful and merciful he is!

Until Next Time,
Peace Out Lovers!

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


Tangled Web of Love


Seeking Christmas