Partners in Crime

Scarlett is not the only one that enjoys anime. I have dipped my toe in the vast world of anime and came out with a couple of favorites. I will admit that I watched these out of a desire to spend time with my then-boyfriend.

I’ve watched shows like Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran Host Club, and Cowboy Bebop, there were a couple of others along the way. All of them are important to my anime journey, but only one sticks out about all the others and that is Baccano!

This show was presented to me in the funniest possible way. At the time we (my boyfriend and I) were watching Full Metal Alchemist with our larger friend group, but we had an evening to ourselves, so we needed to find something else to watch. My boyfriend looked at me asked, “You like gangsters right?”

“Well, it depends on the definition of gangster…” I clarified, “I like mafia and mobsters ‘gangsters,’ but the shoot-em-up, pants-below-the-butt, bandana-wearing punk ‘gangsters’ are annoying.”

“And you like big band music, right?”


“I’ve got the perfect show for us.” He was so proud of himself.


“No, I am serious. I think this will be your all-time favorite anime.”

“You wanna bet?”

Needless to say, I may not have that boyfriend anymore, but I do have the anime and it is a comfort show. I’ve even been able to pick up a couple of the light novels that the show is based on.

This story sticks out because every timeline is interesting in its own right, but the way they come together is convoluted but glorious! It is jam-packed with something for everyone: Big band music for the soundtrack lover, at least three romances for us hopeless romantics, and murderous action to keep the man’s man entertained.

I could talk for a while about the story/stories, the character developments, the artist, and so much more. But I am going to focus on one couple…


These two are either the best thieves in the world or the worst, but either way, they spread happiness to whomever they run into. As a writer, these two are very static. There is little about them that changes throughout the series, no matter the circumstances these two are happy-go-lucky and completely at ease.

As I was looking up some more information about them and noticed one thing, even the internet recognizes that you can’t have one without the other. Let me show you what I am talking about and why viewers and readers cannot get enough of these two over-dramatic lovers.

Aren’t they just adorably ridiculous? Make me smile. There are at least three reasons these two will probably always stick in my mind as a couple I would aspire to be.


The fact that no one can separate them, speaks volumes of how they treat each other. They don’t make a move without one another. They complete each other’s sentences and there are times when these two practically read each other’s mind.

In the clips above the first moment we see of them together, they are trying to figure out how to commit a train robbery. Isaac is so ridiculously off but Miria simply supports him and they go. There is another moment when they are on the train and Isaac yells out one word, “Ennis!” and Miria knows exactly who he is talking about and why he is bringing it up in that moment. Although the scene that follows is over the top, they prove how well they are suited to one another.


These two are immortal due to some unusual circumstances but they are completely unaware. So there are times when Isaac jumps in front of things, pushes Miria out of the way, or even risks his life for someone he just met, and then just thinks he is the luckiest guy in the world because he comes out completely unscathed.

As I have been going through the novels I have noticed that there is a time that Isaac literally tricked Miria into leaving a room without him, but it was to protect her from being arrested by an undercover cop. He told her that he had left his wallet at the warehouse they last robbed and asked her to go get it. The cop was a little unhappy at the turn of events but tried to play it off. Isaac was not falling for his nice-guy trick.

Isaac grins, pats the man on the shoulder, and calls him out on being a cop. A hush falls over the restaurant as everyone turns to look at them... It is obvious that Isaac deliberately sent Miria away to protect her.
— Baccano! Wiki page

During their separation while Isaac was in prison the people around them could tell that neither Isaac nor Miria were completely themselves. Their reunion is a beautiful one.

Miria’s grip fails, and she instinctively calls out Isaac’s name... and in the next moment she is looking at Isaac’s face. He takes Miria’s arm, steady as a rock, and the realization that he is no illusion brings her to tears... Miria throws herself into Isaac’s embrace.
— Baccano! Wiki page

There are many moments when these two could’ve pulled away, died, or permanently separated by prison, but they come back together stronger than ever.


Miria very rarely takes point on an idea, but she is always by his side no matter what the scheme. In the clips above we see her just giggle and follow. She asks the clarifying question and then they are off on their adventures.

I wish I could find you other scenes that work to showcase how these two save and love on those around them. There are moments when they are able to give courage to those around them. There are moments when she gets to witness and support Isaac in his greatest triumphs and crumbles beside him when they are out of solutions.

She has heard every one of his stories on multiple occasions, but she sits pretty and smiles… I think she just loves the sound of his voice. After he is released from prison and they are reunited, she really proved this…

Once everything is settled, Isaac, Miria, and Jacuzzi’s gang board a transcontinental train to New York on third class tickets. During the journey, Isaac recounts a personal anecdote that Miria has heard multiple times already but enthusiastically listens to anyway...
— Baccano! Wiki page

Miria’s trust that Isaac is going to take care of them or her complete faith that he always knows what he is doing is evident in their every interaction. As a new person comes into their life they can’t help but spread the love that overflows from them.

I love these two because I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. They are lovable immortal idiots and I hope they continue entertaining the world for a long time.

Until next time,
Peace out, Lovers.

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Forgive and Forget


My Stories