Rings of Commitment

Beyoncé once said, "If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it," but what happens after you put the ring on it? Emily last week talked about being "wife" material, and little did she know I wanted to talk about commitment especially when it comes to the symbol of the wedding ring.


The dictionary says that commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause. When you are engaged to someone the ring symbolizes a commitment to the person who put the ring on your finger. For me, it means so much more than a symbol of belonging, but instead, it is a promise and reminder that you vowed to love your husband/wife for as long as you both shall live.

Rings have been on my mind recently and I am wondering if it is because I am thinking about what it would mean to me. For me, I have a father-daughter ring on my left-hand ring finger, and although it may throw people off, I wear it in that specific spot because it has a special meaning and purpose. When my future husband finds me and proposes, his engagement ring will replace my father-daughter ring, and this will symbolize that now my husband will be the man that will take care of me. The final steps are the wedding vows and his promise to God that he will take care of me and commit to me until death do us part (and of course I will do the same.)

Do you know why the left-hand 4th finger is the ring finger? Because it is the only finger that has a vein that connects to the heart. That is such a cool thing to think about!

This song is so good, and it really tells the story of a man willing to commit to his girl no matter what kind of trials they face, and he expects the same in return. When you are at the altar, Dear Readers, standing in front of your wife/husband, you better know exactly what you are committing to. Even if you write your own vows make sure that they are projecting what you feel and what your promise is to the person in front of you. Because if you ever break that vow…what does that say about you?


The one thing that truly makes my blood boil is when I am watching a movie and the husband or wife takes off their wedding ring at the end of a big argument. In my opinion when you are having a bad argument and you take off your ring that tells me that the commitment and promise you made to God and me means nothing to you and you are not serious about this relationship. No matter how tough life gets you are supposed to be there for each other and to always trust each other with problems that may arise. When you make that commitment, you are telling each other that you would walk through hell and back for them.

Before I wrap this post up, I wanted to quickly talk about power couples and why most of them work. In my opinion, you need to fit a certain criterion to make my list of power couples.

1. They must be committed to one another and will ALWAYS think about what is best for them/their families

2. Through thick and thin they trust each other

3. They are great communicators

Those are just the top three things on my list that make a good power couple. I am not going to get into any of the details because that is for another post I am preparing. But here are some of the couples that make my list; Jake and Amy Peralta (Brooklyn 99), Richard and Kate Castle (Castle), Chuck and Sarah Bartowski (Chuck), and Dominic and Letty Toretto (Fast and Furious Saga). My list is not much bigger, but those couples are the ones that I would say are the biggest power couples that fit my criterion.

Choose someone you would want to go to battle with
— My Dad

To wrap up my point, Dear Readers, know what commitment means to you and make sure you are fully ready before you go make that promise. As my dad would always say, "Choose someone you would want to go to battle with." If the person you are dating does not seem like someone who would fight for you and with you then you are looking in the wrong place. God has a special plan for you and if you trust and believe in His plan, He will bless you with the perfect husband/wife.

Until then,

Peace Out Lovers!


The Battle of the Romantic Heroes


I Am Not A Girlfriend