
Hello Dear Readers!

Wow can you believe 2 months have flown by since the last time I wrote? Well, I am back, and I have lots of ideas running through my head about what to talk about next! I had been feeling in a rut before I had my sweet little Penny and I think it was because I thought I was getting boring, or what I had to say wasn’t important. Well now I know that is not true, not because other people have told me so, but because I have found a different perspective on life that I feel I can bring to the table. In the last year I got married to the love of my life, moved to a new city, and had a baby.

I think that just felt like a lot and very over whelming at times, but I know this is where God wants me to be. In this post I am just going to catch up on a couple things and tell you how my perspective on love has evolved in the last couple months. Hold onto your hats Dear Readers because it is about to get real :)

1. Love Comes First

As I have said above Ryan and I have had a whirlwind of a life this last year, but there is one thing I know for a fact… he loves me! Ryan and I had a rough 6 months of marriage because we were rooming with my best friend, Theresa (Tree), and sister Emily. This caused some friction every now and then between us, but through every fight we talked through it and understood each other’s point of view. For example, Ryan was upset that I spent too much time with Tree and Emily and he doesn’t get any time with me alone. At first I was confused because I felt I was spending the normal amount of time with them, but he was right, we are married now and Ryan comes first. I have never had to write down or plan my nights out because I was single and I could do whatever I wanted, but now I am working on communicating and planning things out better so that way Ryan and I are on the same page.

Now that we are living alone in our own place it has been wonderful because now, we are able to learn more about each other and learn to grow just the two of us. He has some habits that I have had to navigate and get used to and vice versa. There are some things that we have both had to have conversations about and we are working on but mostly I am just getting to learn more about Ryan every day. We never want to CHANGE the other person, but sometimes we must adapt to certain things, but we adapt because we LOVE each other. We made a vow that no matter what we would CHOOSE to love and stand by one another. Even if that means I don’t like some of his decoration choices, but you know what now that I have chosen to live with it I quite like what he did to our place.

I love my husband and he is the one who made me a wife and mother and I have never been happier.

2. Seasons can be difficult to navigate

Each season of life can be different. Being pregnant was one of the most confusing seasons of life for me because I knew I was becoming a mother, but the baby wasn’t here yet, so I felt a little useless. When we moved God provided Ryan with a job that pays enough for me to be a stay-at-home mom and believe me… that is a blessing! When we moved, I was about 6 ½ months pregnant and it was hard to feel useful in an empty house without a job. I didn’t have any friends and I didn’t feel like I was pulling my weight in the marriage, but Ryan got me through it and told me every day how amazing I am and how important I am to him and how taking care of the baby was a full time job as well whether it was born or not.

Now Ryan and I are officially parents, and our new season has started. Ryan has had to learn patience and that babies are sometimes a little more difficult than usual. I have had to learn to have self-control and keep my attitude toward my husband in check no matter the lack of sleep. I am not saying Penny has caused high stress but if it has been a hard day there are times that Ryan and I have a fight because of attitude or a miscommunication. In the end we come to bed and talk about the day, things we can work on and things we need to apologize for, and we make sure to NEVER go to bed with things unsaid.

I love this season of life so far because watching Ryan become a father and take on that duty has made him 100% more attractive in my eyes. He has taken the “head of the house” role very seriously and I love the way he speaks to Penny and I and makes sure we know that he loves us both. For me this season has given me purpose because now that Penny is out of the womb and into the real world it is my job to show love and teach my daughter important life values. Right now she is only 2 months so she is still young, BUT that doesn’t mean we cannot start making routines and doing things because she is a baby. For example, Ryan and I have already taken her on a 10-hour trip back home to be a part of Tree’s wedding, she has gone fishing with us, and we will be going camping with her next weekend. Life doesn’t have to stop for Ryan and I just because Penny is around, but instead Penny has adapted to our lifestyle and has enjoyed all the things we do. Another routine we have done with Penny is reading to her a chapter of a book at night before bed. This season of life has been tricky, but I am glad we are going through it together.

3. We are not boring!

There were times in the past couple months when I asked Ryan if he thought we were boring. He was confused by this question every time I asked it. As an extravert I feel like we must constantly be doing something like making friends, playing games with family, or going out to do an activity, but marrying an introvert can calm you down a bit (that is not a bad thing). Now that we have come up with a routine, we have found a happy medium. Right now we are in a season where we have to sort of start over. We are in the process of making new friends, finding our place in our church, and learning more about each other that only grows our love.

Not everything is spontaneous and amazing like a Hallmark movie, and that is ok because sometimes a Hallmark movie can cause unnecessary drama (and I don’t need that in my life right now). Some days we are out and about everyday and when Sunday rolls around I am ok with a little boring :)

Well, that is my quick update Dear Readers! I am beginning to love my season of life and now that Penny is growing and learning soon she will be able to speak and crawl around and that will be a new season I need to keep up with. For now I am going to continue to love every minute with my family because nothing will be the same from this moment on, and I want to soak up every minute of it!

Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers!

P.S. This is the song Ryan and I have really enjoyed recently. Thought I would share.


Quality Time


Thoughts and Feelings before Motherhood