So Worth the Read

Recently I opened up one of my favorite books for the first time this year. Unlike most normal people, I love to read my favorite books over and over again. This specific trilogy is one that I try to read bi-yearly and Emily is the one who introduced it to me. This trilogy is the “Charmed Life Trilogy” by Jenny B. Jones that consists of the books “So Not Happening”, “I’m So Sure”, and “So Over My Head” (all highly recommended by Chloe, Emily, and I). 

Bella and Luke (1).jpg

This wonderful trilogy has so much to give. It’s hilarious, heartfelt, and has an amazing plot. However, one of the biggest highlights of these books is the interactions between Bella (the main character) and Luke (main love interest). Throughout the books, we get to watch them grow with each other and go from “enemies” to reluctant friends to lovers. I hold this couple very close to my heart, even though I know I may never have a relationship like theirs. I consider them to be one of my “OTPs” (One True Pairings).

Although it took me a while to get through the first book, I cannot express how much I appreciate these books and the romance between Bella and Luke. At first, I couldn’t get over Bella’s bratty attitude, but as soon as Luke was introduced… I was hooked. I mean, who could resist a hot, Christan writer with BLUE EYES. One scene in the book that always gives me butterflies whenever I read it is:

“Do something! What’s your plan?” He crushes me to him.
“This.” His mouth hovers over mine. “You said you’d trust me.” And his mouth covers mine in a kiss.

-So Not Happening pg. 249

I can just hear myself squealing throughout this whole scene.  I haven’t had my first kiss yet, so imagining little things like this brings a red tint to my face every time. That was a small taste of the tension that is in So Not Happening. In that scene, they were caught spying on some fellow footballers that were hazing a newbie, and they needed to come up with a distraction fast! (No one is going to mess with a couple making out in the woods. The perfect disguise! -Emily

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This is their first kiss, even though it is under odd situations. Throughout the book, you get to see them both fight and bicker, but at its heart, there is something more. As teenagers, they are oblivious to their feelings at first, which can be hard to cope with (and may be something I tend to struggle with). (Even though they bicker, Luke and Bella both respect each other as writers and as human beings. Once you get past Bella’s rich girl attitude Luke sees a woman who is determined and helpful when it comes to people in need. Plus who doesn’t want a girl who likes to get herself into trouble? ~Chloe)

Their relationship is much further developed in I’m So Sure. Bella gets the opportunity to see a softer side of Luke (he can be cocky at times), and they eventually become more comfortable around each other. 

One thing that happens as a relationship progresses is that each of them starts to notice and remember little things about the other. This is wonderfully shown in I’m So Sure.

“Your Sprite.” He extends a bottle, and I’m oddly touched that he remembers these little things, like my favorite drink. 
“Luke, do you know what my favorite color is?”
He leads me up the bleachers to find a seat. “Pink. And black.” He smiles at my cotton-candy-colored scarf. 
… “And on what side do I usually part my hair?”... “The left. But tonight you’ve flipped it to the right.” 
“You do have good reporter skills.”
His intense blue eyes leave the court and fix on my face. “What does noticing things about you have to do with me being a good reporter?”

-I’m So Sure pg. 168

The fact that he remembers the little things about her shows that he cares. I once heard the saying, “to be loved is to be known.” That saying has not left me since the moment I read it. One thing that I know I want in a relationship is to truly be known. To have a person who knows what I like and why. Someone that I can find new things that I love. And I want to know them, to be their best friend. 

This is so wonderfully shown in the quote and throughout the trilogy. Luke and Bella’s dynamics and personalities fit with each other, and they make each other better in all they do. Luke is always looking out for Bella, even though he can be arrogant at times. (Luke is the type of guy that will pick on you and poke fun, but he also will quietly observe and notice the small things and look at you lovingly when you are not paying attention, and that alone is why I love Luke Sullivan. ~Chloe) By the end of the second book, they finally decide to start dating.  

In the final book, So Over My Head, Bella and Luke are now in a relationship,  experiencing the highs and lows of a teenage Christian romance. The book starts with a conflict between the two and they end up breaking up, but something still draws them together. We get to experience Bella struggling with her feelings, but in the end, she realizes that she truly loves Luke.

“You’re always talking.” I shove his shoulder. “Always telling me how it is. Well, do you want to know how I think it is?”
His Adam’s apple bobs. “I don’t think so.”
“I think you’re the most amazing guy ever.” I watch him try to control his look of shock. “You’re one of my best friends. You make me laugh, you’re scary smart, and I always know you have my back. And Mr. Editor, more than anything, I want to be your girlfriend. And maybe I will be looking over my shoulder and waiting for something bad to happen between us, but that’s just going to take some time.” I step forward until we are nearly nose to nose, and I clasp his hands in mine. “I’m crazy about you, Luke Sullivan. Tell me you’re still into me. Because if you’ve decided I’m too much trouble, I fully intend to sic Ruthie and her slingshot on you.”

-So Over My Head pg. 302

The best thing about this book is that you get to see both of them in a relationship, but you also get some of the tension that you had in the original book. They fight with the force that seems to always pull them together. (No matter how much they both don’t like to admit it… God made them for each other, and like Scarlett said there is some sort of force that ALWAYS brings them back together. They may be stubborn, but they know that they are better together! ~Chloe)

As a teenager myself, their relationship is one that I hold close to my heart and admire. For me, reading about them and seeing their interactions is much different than a typical teenage romance you would see in any other romance book. They all give me butterflies and invite me to daydream, but Luke and Bella show me something that I truly want as a Christan girl who is looking for my guy. I want a guy like Luke Sullivan. I want someone to be my best friend, that I get into trouble with and go on adventures with. Someone I could banter with, but also sit down with hot cocoa and enjoy a movie.

Their relationship is one that I want for myself. I will daydream about all the ins and outs of a relationship, but in my heart, I know I want what Bella has with Luke. I want someone that will be my partner in crime… er… journalism partner may be better.

Until Next Time,
Peace Out Lovers!

Emily’s Note: Giving this topic to Scarlett was actually a hard thing to do. I fell in love with these books in my late teen years and I couldn’t wait to share them. Bella and Luke are two people that knew what they were going for and just got in each other’s way until they realized that going the same direction together was better.

As a reader, I wanted only the best for these and it nearly broke my heart when they broke up in the third book. Thankfully, that heartbreak is short-lived. Even though by the end of the series they are back together there is a part of me that wants to know how they panned out in life. We, three, believe that they really did live happily together. Love, even young love, can make the world a little bit better.

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


The Little Disney Moments


The Secret of Life