
Their paths are literally entangled, mixed up in the timey-whimey mess that is their story. She was conditioned to be the death of him and he knew he would be the death of her. But the love between The Doctor and, his bespoke psychopath, River Song, is one that will go down in my books as “Legendary.”

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To all of the Whovians in my life that I never took seriously… I apologize. 

I am so sorry for pushing it away or if I mocked you – and I really hope I didn’t—then please forgive me. I finally gave in and have found myself hooked.

Let me explain how this all started. I was scrolling through Facebook videos when I came across a clip of The Doctor and River Song. She intrigued me, there was a feistiness about her that I really liked, but I moved on not thinking about it. I ran across a couple more clips until curiosity grabbed tight and my fingers maneuvered their way to YouTube. Every new video I watched brought me closer to the conclusion that I want to be River Song: Strong and independent, but in love to the point that even his flaws make me smile.


Now, I definitely gave myself “spoilers” but I had to see this play out. I knew the only way for this to make sense was to watch it… all of it. I’ve been stuck in the Time Vortex ever since. 

For a while, I’ve been doing research on traits that make a good wife, and this is the perfect time to apply what I have learned. This post is going to be about why River Song deserves to be the Doctor’s Wife.

I understand that there will be some backlash from Doctor and Rose shippers, and I respect that ship. (I am also willing to admit that my knowledge of the Doctor Who lore is limited --though I am trying to get my hands on what I can-- but I am aware that there are other wives.) I will admit that in this generation of Who, Rose Tyler is the Doctor’s “First Love” and a person never forgets their first, but River is his Wife... Literally.

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 River Song’s story is going in the opposite direction of her beloved Doctor. When the Tenth Doctor encounters River for the first time, it is actually her last time encountering him. Later into the series, we are introduced to younger versions of her, but every time he gets one step closer to knowing who she is, she is one step further away from where he is. 

If you are having a hard time following just smile and nod because this is the wibbly-wobbly stuff that makes Whovians smile. 

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In most of the articles I've found or from asking around there are many traits that make a good wife. I chose nine:

  1. Attractive - This is relative to the beholder but it is something that came up often.

  2. Confident - A woman should now who she is so that she can better compliment her spouse.

  3. Smart - I think everyone wants someone smart.

  4. Ambitious - Some men want a woman that is pursuing what she is passionate about and goes after her own goals, as well as supporting him with his goals.

  5. Trustworthy - Secrets are natural in a relationship, so be worthy of those secrets

  6. Honesty - This is a communication standard, and when you love someone this should be one of the first things that fall into place.

  7. Selfless - Each partner is to give of themselves for the other.

  8. Supportive - This is a partnership, dreams can only stand with the helping hand of love.

  9. Unconditional Love - "Love is not an emotion, it is a promise." -The Doctor.


Attraction and Confidence go hand in hand. There is something so alluring about a person that knows exactly who they are and refuses to back down from it. 

River is beautiful in her magnificent way, her elegance shines through her smirk, and her boisterous spirit bounces with every curl of that “Space Hair.” 

She knows what she is... The Woman Who Will Do Anything for Her Man. She is not afraid to shoot to save him, and she will never feel guilty for doing what she had to for him. 

“I’m River Song. Check your records again.”

“I’m River Song. Check your records again.”

Her confidence is what holds him together when he needs it the most. She is a calming spirit in his world of every evolving chaos. When she questions him it isn't to undermine him, but to establish that they are on the same page and then executes the orders as he gives them. She is completely capable of taking care of herself, but she likes having him around for the eye candy. 

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He may not always be able to admit it but he does find her attractive. She is willing to tease him and can take it when he pushes back. There are many moments when the Doctor can't help but flirt with River. Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, said, "River sort of beguiles, infuriates, endears, and turns The Doctor on. All at the same time. He loves her and he loathes her." In many of her appearances, you see him look at her in a way that is different than the others he interacts with. He genuinely desires her.

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A career woman is usually defined by the words "smart and ambitious." River is very proud of her Archeology doctorate. She went into the profession because she knew that archeology would be the easiest way to track and intersect with the Doctor's timeline when she would need him the most. 

River proves to be a genius time and time again, she knows many languages, has a thorough knowledge of history, and often uses it to her advantage. Much to the irritation of the Doctor, she even drives his TARDIS (spaceship) better than he does.

Her ambition is who she is she continuously strives to be better than that she was raised to be... The Woman Who Kills the Doctor. She was taken from her parents and raised to be the Doctor's Assassin, but fell in love with him and became determined to change her destiny to The Woman Who Marries the Doctor.

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Trustworthiness is a two-way street. When the Doctor first meets River, she means very little to him, but she proves that she is someone from his future that means so much more to him. She knows something that no one else does and it is even shocking to him, but that is all he needs to know that she is on his side. For her, this may be a younger version but he is still her Doctor and she will go to the end of the Earth with him. 

It takes some time for him to truly trust her but that is to be expected, and she knows that. She has a diary, a future him gave it to her, and she syncs her diary with him every time they meet to establish where she is in his story. He trusts her a little more each time because he has had more experiences with her. But he is never allowed to see the book... 



The Doctor is not quick about being honest with any of his companions. His number one rule is "The Doctor Lies" and his companions find it frustrating. River understands the gravity of what would happen if he were always truthful. She waited patiently for him to eventually tell her everything she needs to know. Their marriage has open communication or at least as much as they can. This is not an ideal situation for honesty, but they are always true to their words and will reveal what they can as soon as they can to the other. 

Because she is meeting him in backward order there is a lot that she can not tell him, or he can not tell her. This makes it hard to have an honest relationship, but they manage it in there own way. For them, it is in the way they talk to each other. They do not mince their words. She calls him out when he is being ridiculous or impossible, but she will also give him the words he needs to hear. 

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Both the Doctor and River have sacrificed a lot for others. River is more likely to lay down her life for her family. Again the first time the Doctor encounters her in the Library she literally gives up her life to save him. She tries to save the Doctor from herself by draining her weapons system but that throws the whole world into a paradox, and nearly kills the universe.

She is always looking for ways to make sure he is safe and he is doing the same for her. 

He may not always like her tactics but he will always go along with her shenanigans. She has dragged him into a chance to kill Hitler, barter a stolen gem, and use a Roman army in a time of war. 

 She always follows his plans whether he has one or not. River tells almost everyone that she introduces the Doctor to that he knows what he is doing and will sooner obey her husband's orders than the superior that is over her. She recognizes the genius even in the most impossible plans and willingly executes her instructions.

She also sees the value and importance of the Doctor's companions. River knows that the Doctor should not wander alone, he needs to have a companion with him to stabilize him. Being a psychopath herself she knows that she can not always be that moral compass that he will need, so she begs him to not travel alone. He needs her, but not all the time, just like she doesn't always need him.

There is a respect between them, one that shines in the way they look at each other like, "There will be a next time..." 

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When you watch Doctor Who, from the moment you meet her to the last encounter, you see that River loves her Doctor with all that she is. There is only one moment when it can be questioned but that is because we watched her regenerate into what would soon be River Song, but she hasn't had the official connection with him yet. 

When she encounters the 12th Doctor she doesn't recognize him, but he stands by her side as she gets them into trouble. He does what he can to protect her, and in return, he gets to hear her true thoughts about him.

This clip is both sad and beautiful. Sad because she truly believes that her love is unrequited, but loves him with every fiber of her being anyway. She is not waiting for him to save her, but when she realizes that he is "in love enough" to be standing right by her side she is embarrassed but relieved. It is beautiful because she means everything to him and he got to prove it to her in the most significant way, being there with her. 

Steven Moffat, the creator of River Song, explained, "he obviously adores her and you sort of don't know what goes on when they are alone."

Every Doctor that encounters River is intrigued by her. Even when he refuses to recognize what she is to him, she stands by his side and does not budge. When she doesn't recognize him, he gets to return the favor and finally show her that SHE IS HIS WIFE.

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Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers.

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Man Overboard!


Love is the Word