Stupid Feelings…

Love, and the feelings that come with it, will always be a mystery. The way our stomachs and hearts clench when someone does something that we find cute or attractive. Fighting those feelings, often cause you to fall harder in the process. Those feelings can be especially confusing and scary when they're new. They can make a person feel confused and vulnerable, which most don’t enjoy. I will say, this is something that I know all too well, and I’m sure other young adults/teenagers experience.

This week I want to talk about what to do with some of those feelings when they start to become a little too much. 

Sunday school's answer is always “Jesus” or “God” but… I’ve learned there's truth in that. I have learned that when I get these confusing feelings, sometimes the best thing to do is to spend some time in prayer or in the Bible. Building a relationship with God (which I am working on) is a key component of living a full life. He wants you to tell him every little thing about you. He wants you to bring him things that are on your heart and mind. I find it very comforting to take some time with God, alone in my room, and just ramble about what’s going on in my life. Especially when I find myself a little too happy or giddy over a certain text. 

It can be hard sometimes, but it is important to sit and be completely vulnerable with God (even though he already knows what’s up). As a hopeless romantic book nerd with zero dating/romantic experience whatsoever, it can be extremely confusing for me when I end up with these strange feelings. You know… the ones that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? Yuck. (Just kidding. We love, love here.) I’ve been told I’m “too young” to experience these in full and I don’t know what to do with them and have no control over what I’m feeling. It’s hard to navigate those feelings, but the next trick is one that I actually picked up from Emily. I think she calls it a “Prince Charming Journal”.

My Prince Charming Journal is not one that I use often, but when I do, I find that it is necessary and helps me cope with a lot of these kinds of things. The whole point of it is to really have a spot to go to where I can write about love (along with other things) when I’m feeling confused. There are super sappy poems written in mine. I am the queen of sappy. Sappy is what I do best. If a guy came up to me and said a cheesy pickup line with a nice smile, I'd melt. On the spot.

But, that is beside the point. Letters to a future husband, songs, and even stories are written in it. Writing these down can help to sort out my thoughts, but it also helps me get those feelings off of my chest. For a long time, whatever I wrote was about one specific person. I look back at those writings now and see what I was feeling and it helps me to sort out what I’m thinking when it comes to other people. I plan on giving it to my husband someday. It is something very personal to me that I believe gives a look deeper into my soul.  I’m sure that he’ll probably laugh at some of the things in it, but I’m excited for the day when he will get the opportunity to read them in full.

The other thing that I have found super helpful when I’m facing these scary feelings are the people that love me and know what I’m going through. (Emily and Chloe are among them.) I know I can go to them whenever I’m feeling confused or hurt. I can count on them to listen, talk some sense to me, and even give me a hit to the head when needed. Having blunt, honest people around you is important in these situations. They also have a bit more experience and wisdom than I do, so I can count on them to guide me where I need to go. God ultimately gets the final call, but I know I can get words from him through them. 

So, I know that I am not alone in this. It can get scary at times and I absolutely hate it when I smile at a certain text or when I think of them randomly, but I know I’m not alone and I have wonderful people to support me through all of it. Many teens, just like me, go through this (and sometimes even adults). However, I've heard wise words before, saying,

“Don't stress too much and have fun with the experience! After all, there really isn’t anything in the world quite like having a crush.”

Until Next Time,
Peace Out Lovers!

Scarlett Mae

Hello beautiful people! I am Scarlett Mae, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

I am so happy to be given the opportunity to work with this wonderful blog and these amazing ladies. I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice while I’m here, read what I write through a fairy’s eyes. Full of wonder.


Love and Support


Tangled Web of Love