Thankful Heart

Because a thankful heart is a happy heart.
— Madame Blueberry

Hello Dear Readers!

It is Thanksgiving season and you know what that means…time to think about all the things we are thankful for. This season I have a lot to be thankful for and trust me Dear Readers, I am not going to take it for granted. The greatest thing I am thankful for is that God is in control of my life and He has given me a family that stands by my side no matter what.

I have been thinking a lot about some major life decisions I need to make in the next week and it always makes me relieved to know that I have a whole support system on my side when I need a pick me up. I thank God every day for my family because I honestly would be lost without them.

Thanksgiving makes me think about the Veggietales movie Madame Blueberry. Madame Blueberry is jealous of all the things that her friends have and her envy blinds her to what is truly important. As she is walking to the Stuff Mart, where she will find all of her heart’s desires, she runs into two little kids that show her there is more to life than stuff.

Annie, the little girl, was so thankful for her tiny slice of pie even though she had so little, and that it puzzled Madame Blueberry. She did not understand how a girl who has quite literally nothing could be so happy. Later, as she shopped to her heart’s content, Madame Blueberry still felt empty and saw Junior with his dad. Junior wanted the new train set and begged his dad to get it for him, but his dad said they could not afford it. Junior was a little sad but when his dad offered to get him a ball instead Junior was so happy and thankful that his dad was there with him and even though he only had a ball it was worth hanging out with his dad.

It was at that moment that Madame Blueberry knew what she was missing, a happy heart. She asked the salespeople where to find the happy hearts and they told her that they do not sell those. It was then she knew that the happy heart came from being content with what she had.

Dear Readers, when I tell you to live like it is Thanksgiving every day I don’t want you to only think about your blessings, but also recognize that God has blessed you and you can always share with others the way you feel. Our mission is to spread God’s love to all those around us, but in order for us to spread His love properly, we must look inside ourselves and make sure that we are living the life God has laid out for us. Without God, in my life, I truly believe that I would be lost and there would be nothing to be thankful for.

One more point I want to bring up, Thanksgiving is a time to get together and be with one another, but it is also a time where we start to transition and think about Christmas and how the season of giving thanks turns into the season of giving. Christmas is known as the season of giving because we give each other gifts, but what if instead of gifts we share the love of Christ and give to those that are in need.

Even if you have very little to give there is always something worth giving when it comes to passing on the love of Christ. For example, and please don’t kill me for this but the Little Drummer Boy had nothing but the talent that God had given him. Instead of keeping the talent to himself, he decided to share it with Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus. There is always a way to give back even when you think you have nothing to give and trust me God loves it when you give back in any way that glorifies Him.

Dear Readers, I want to challenge you as you walk into this Thanksgiving to not only count your blessings but think about ways we can give/serve others as we go into the Christmas season, and remember to take that happy heart with you.

Always remember God made you special and He loves you very much!

Until next time,

Peace out lovers!




If You Were My Friend