That’s What I’m Looking For

            “Who, me?”

Yes, you Dear Readers. This song has come up a lot when shuffling my “Upbeat” playlist. The song “That’s What I’m Looking For” by Anthem Lights, is a whole song dedicated to girls out there who do not think they are pretty or worth looking for. In fact, Anthem Lights is made up of four male band mates and this song is strictly dedicated to their dream girl. When you listen to the song you can hear the boys in the background heckling each other as they explain in their own words what kind of girl they are looking for.

            I have decided I want to break it up in four main chunks for you, my Dear Readers: first verse, chorus, second verse, and bridge. Before we begin I would like to throw out a disclaimer that I am not a male, but I have a lot of male friends that I have had multiple conversations with so, what I am about to say is true from my perspective. If you are a guy and you do not agree with what they are saying please leave a comment below.

Not a face on a magazine
Don’t need a girl from a movie screen

            In the first verse we meet the girl. The first thing that they notice is the smile which means that it is a genuine encounter. I say that because a guy that is truly looking for someone to have a relationship with or one that he believes is genuinely worth pursuing they will look at their eyes or smile. After explaining the way, they liked her smile they slowly start to describe what they are not looking for. That girl in the magazine is an idol, most girls strive to look like her or live like her, but most of the guys who go for that are shallow and probably not looking for any true commitment. Get yourself a man who can admire both your looks and personality.

Glows just like the morning sun
Shows God’s love to everyone

            The second verse is my favorite because Caleb, the singer of this verse, says that he is not looking for anything fancy, but instead one that glows like the sun and spreads God’s love to everyone. This is something that makes me smile EVERYTIME because it is rare that you find boys looking for a Christian. Now if you, Dear Readers, are not religious it is not a bad thing, in fact it makes you unique in your own way. In my experience showing God’s love has brought me good luck in almost all my encounters whether it be with friends, family, or customers at work. When you purposefully show kindness and love to those around you even if you do not know them good things are sure to come your way.

That girl’s gonna be worth it
For me she’s gonna be perfect
Till then I gotta keep searching

            I am going to combine the chorus and the bridge because I think they go hand in hand. Not only does the chorus just pump you up but it encourages us to not be ashamed of who we are. I know this may be cliché, but it is true when people say that true beauty is found within. I hope and pray, Dear Readers, that if you are looking for a partner you will choose wisely and look inside your own heart to know exactly how to get what you want, and most importantly what you deserve. The bridge is the true call to action for everyone. If you are willing to wait for someone that is worth it then at least make sure they are perfect or else the wait was useless.

            The best part about this song is that the lyrics can be switched to a female’s perspective very easily. So sometimes when I listen I like to imagine that they are singing to me saying that I am the one they are looking for, but you can change the wording and I can put myself in the bands shoes and use the lyrics to look for “The One.”

            The journey may be long and bumpy but I do hope, Dear Readers, that when the time comes and you are truly ready to make a commitment that you will be a little picky with who you choose because you deserve the best.

Until then,

Peace out Lovers!


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