The Battle of the Romantic Heroes

I want to talk about something that has triggered me in the last two weeks: What is the difference between Prince Charming and Knight in Shining Armor?

Let me give you some background. After a hard week, I was trying to make it through church without falling asleep. The speaker had mention something along the lines of, "Sorry ladies, your man is not going to live up to the Knight in Shining Armor you have built up in your head."

My tired brain thought, "Yeah, because the Knight in Shining Armor sucks!" My family turned to me with smiles, and the speaker looked directly at me, "Well, that is an interesting point, Emily." At that exact moment, I realized I didn't think that... I said that!

My reaction was honest! I have been thinking about this for a long time.

Prince Charming is SUPERIOR to the Knight in Shining Armor.

Okay, I will give the Knight a fair shot. There is security in the image of a knight. He is sworn to a code, skilled with a multitude of weapons, and probably very trim.

The Knights of Camelot - Merlin

The Knights of Camelot - Merlin

A Knight is usually looking for their true quest. More often than not, a quest manifests in a "Damsel in Distress" rescue mission or standing on the frontline of a battlefield. In either scenario, that man better not be showing up in "shining" armor. He should resemble a tin can that has been dented, tossed or kicked, and/or scorched a bit.  If it is shining, he didn't do anything to save/rescue the lady. If that is the case, a mushroom-eating plumber would be better than a "shining" Knight.

A Knight is a subordinate. He is meant to follow an order from his monarch. Most of his "Code of Chivalry" covers; protection of the weak, striving for honor, and devotion to King and Country. The Knight is a good man and striving to be better, so I am not denying that a Knight is a romantic icon.

My point is, why settle for the subordinate when you can have the superior?

Arthur Pendragon - Merlin

Arthur Pendragon - Merlin

Prince Charming has some terrible representation, and I have to blame Disney for this. A fact that cuts me to the core. The popularity of Disney's Cinderella perpetuated this idea that Prince Charming is shallow and lazy. Don't even get me started on the monstrosity that Sherk 2 tried to pull off!

A true prince has been trained from birth to rule a kingdom. The responsibilities of a kingdom can be burdensome. I see why there would be some childish antics to blow off steam. Now there are flaws to a Prince, cockiness being one. He has been raised with people literally worshiping him. That would go to anyone's head, but if he is a true prince, then he will soon be smoothed out by the pressures of keeping a kingdom safe, and his people nurtured. His knights are sworn to aid in this endeavor, but that means that he is held to his own oath as well. Prince Charming leads by example.

I will always concede that both romantic icons have their flaws, so now we need to look at the constant variable...The Damsel.

There are two types of women in the world: The Maid and the Princess.

Knight 3.jpg

Some damsels are looking for protection. They would not mind submitting to the Knight. He comes with stability, but there are very few public, or important, demands for the Knight to oversee, so his lady is okay to fade into the background and help when needed.

A Princess type damsel is a woman that is going to be in the public eye. This is the type of girl looking for a partner; an equal to support and be supported by.

Prince 7.jpg

My personal choice is Prince Charming. Since I can remember, I was called Princess by both my grandfather and great grandfather. But they made sure that I knew that title came with responsibilities. I was being trained to steward God's Kingdom; the people that came into my life were under my protection and love. Elders and members of other churches were neighboring kingdoms that taught me Public/"International" Relations. I am looking for a man that is going to be by my side to rule the little bit of Kingdom that God gave us.

So yes I will admit that the Brave Knight is one possible hero, but I will continue looking for my Prince.

Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers.

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Romantic Quotes/Moments in Movies


Rings of Commitment