The Game of Love

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Hello Dear Readers!

Just recently I was celebrating one of my friend's birthdays and she picked a movie that we had the privilege of seeing in theaters.

Game Night is about Max and Annie, a married couple, who enjoys playing games with their friends, but one night Max's brother Brooks comes to town and decides to take game night up a notch. He hires a mystery company to set up a fake kidnap and rescue scenario, but it turns out the kidnapping is real. Max and Annie find out that Brooks is in the smuggling business and is in serious trouble, so now it is a race against time to find Brooks without knowing what is real and what is part of the game.


This movie is SOO funny! It is a mix between The Man Who Knew too Little with Bill Murray and Date Night with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey, but unique. As I was re-watching the movie, I realized how much I admired the relationship between Annie and Max. They are always having fun and being childish together. All their actions are genuine towards each other and towards their friends. There are three main things about their relationship I want to talk about:

1) Their loving and endearing language

2) Open communication

3) They NEVER change throughout the movie

This scene is a perfect example of the first point I wanted to talk about. In this scene alone Max and Annie show how much they truly love and support each other even if Annie shot him in the arm. Max questions if Annie can remove the bullet, but then he quickly changes gears and comforts her with kind words and encouraging terms of endearment. Annie does her best to help her husband by getting him a squeaky toy for the pain and alcohol to help numb the wound. She even buys a magazine because there is a corn chowder recipe, which is Max’s favorite. If that just doesn’t say, “I love you,” I don’t know what will.

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Max and Annie know they are competitive but that is what they love about each other and even though they are crazy game, movie, and trivia fanatics they use it as the time they can spend together and be closer. There is one scene in the movie where the gang is about to infiltrate a rich man's house to look for a Faberge egg. Max volunteers to go in and tells his wife to stay in the car, but Annie speaks up and tells Max that they are in it together no matter what. I love that she is quick to respond, but also, she is willing to stand by her man no matter what challenges lie before them.


The next point is their amazing open communication. This movie doesn't seem like it would be a movie that focuses on communication, but as subtle as it is communication especially between family is important. In the beginning, we learn that Max's sperm is not cooperating and is getting in the way of making a baby. At first, Annie thinks it is because he is jealous of Brooks who is "better" than him. Max has always felt inferior to Brook's charms, whit, and a perfect record of beating Max in games. Annie quickly snapped into action defending Max when Brooks comes into the picture and trying her best to make sure Max knows she is on his side. Annie is not a typical house wife and her love for her husband out weights any danger that might threaten that happiness. Later in the movie, we find out that Max is scared to have kids because he thinks they will become boring parents and never be able to do anything fun. Annie states that he is being unreasonable and that having children is what will advance their exciting life into the next chapter. Luckily for their communication, they are able to resolve the issue and feel better about telling each other their fears.

The last thing I wanted to bring up is that Max and Annie do not change, meaning their personalities are the same from beginning to end. In the beginning, they meet at a trivia night and it is love at first sight. Then we see them through the dating phase, marriage, and other friend game nights. As the montage goes you see that they are both still competitive, and while it may hurt others, they do not feel like they have to dial it back or else the other one will run away. Eventually, they gain friends who are willing to be with them because they love hanging out with them even with all their aggressive tendencies. In the end, Annie loves Max and Max loves Annie. Is there any other way to have it? I mean seriously look at the way they look at each other in that clip!

 Until Then,

Peace Out Lovers!


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