The Little Disney Moments

Ever since I was little Disney has been a major part of my Movie-Education. I watched anything from the animations to the live-action hits that my mother would introduce me to. I got really good at recalling fun facts, quoting obscure lines, and memorizing the songs.

I would challenge my mother to multiple games of Disney Trivia, getting better every time but still being absolutely decimated by the Queen. To this day I get so close to beating her and then I am stuck with TERRIBLE ROLLS, but it is satisfying to know that I could have beat her.

But with all the research and viewings I have so many moments that I could pull out to show, and narrowing it down to five was not an easy task. First, I had to break Disney into categories just to narrow down the moments. I decided on five moments from what I consider Classic Live-Action Disney movies. Chloe and I got into a small argument about what is considered a classic but in the long run, it didn’t matter because our ideas of what is a cute moment from the “Classics” are completely different as well.

So here are my Top Five Cute Moments from Classic Disney Live Actions:

#5 — Bedknobs & Broomsticks

This movie is one that isn’t at the top of almost anybody's list to watch, in fact, I would bet that most people haven’t even heard of it. This movie is about an apprentice witch, Eglantine Price, that is looking for a spell that will aid England in their efforts against the Germans in World War I.

In the following clip, we see her try the spell for the first time. She is surrounded by the children that she took in during the War Displacement, and Mr. Emelius Brown, a failing magician that is falling in love with her.

I love how supportive Mr. Brown is. He wants her to succeed and he is willing to bring a little flair to spell. It is a sweet moment that leads to some fun Disney antics.

#4 — Love Bug

I love the Herbie movies and this is the first of many Herbie movies.

In this particular moment in The Love Bug, we see Jim get a glimpse of great legs. In his defense, the sign does ask him to “check out these”, so he is just obeying the sign.

This whole scene represents a couple of different loves: A meet-cute between our two love interests, a love between a man and his dream car, and a love between a car and his chosen person.

#3 — Happiest Millionaire

This adorable movie about coming of age and falling in love follows the life of Miss Cordelia Biddle, as she leaves her overprotective father’s house for college and falls in love with an ambitious young man, Angier Duke. It is also in part about her father allowing his world to change around him.

In this scene we see Angie catching Cordy as she is practicing “the seductive arts.”

Cordy has every right to be nervous at this moment, this guy just saw her practicing and now he is trying to get a dance with her. You don’t get to see it in this clip but Cordy asks Angie, “Why do you want to know me?”

Angie replies, “Because you’re not like the other girls… I mean that in the nicest way. I don’t like these pushy girls that think they can trap any man with a big act.”

“But you saw me practicing, didn’t that scare you away?”

“No… you were so bad at it.”

#2 — Darby O’Gill and the Little People

Three words…


I think it is so cute that Michael’s song leaves an impression on Katie and she catches herself singing as well. It is the moment that she proves herself a keeper and he slightly falls in love with her. I just love them together, and when he admits that he wants her and her father to stay with him it melts my heart.

This particular story I may come back to later. This is a lovely story about a father’s love for his daughter, and how he really just wants what is best for her before he passes. Plus, leprechauns! Oh, and did I mention… SEAN CONNERY SINGS!

#1 — Summer Magic

One of the few Hayley Mills movies I truly enjoy and yet another one that most people are unaware of. This movie is about a family that needs to downsize because they are bankrupt, and they are offered this “Yellow House” in Beulah, Maine… unbeknownst to the actual house owner. Nancy is our main character and has no idea that Mr. Hamilton is unaware that she and her family have taken over his house. In fact, she thinks Mr. Hamilton is a sickly old man that has no idea what he gave up.

Well in the scene below Mr. Hamilton has come to town to survey his house and is a little overwhelmed to find people in it. Especially people that are setting up a Halloween Party in his mother’s honor.

After he drives off Hamilton gets to the root of the problem, but something about Nancy intrigued him so he goes along with everything to see how it plays out.

Nancy’s reaction to Mr. Hamilton's reveal is perfect. Dumbstruck and a little in love she is swept into a dance with someone she has been fawning over from a distance and now he is right in front of her.

This is my number one because in both the movie and the book, “Mother Carey’s Chickens” Tom Hamilton is infatuated with Nancy. Her innocence and genuine love of his home pull him toward her. Nancy is never anything but herself but we get to see her blossoming transition from girl to lady.

Each one of these stories is a bit obscure, but that is why they mean a little more to me. I have never been one for the popular and having these scenes to share means so much to me. I hope you enjoy it, and if you ever want to challenge me in a game of Disney Trivia just message me.

Until Next Time,
Peace Out Lovers.

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


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