The Story of a Prince and his Princess

I will not apologize for watching Christmas movies outside of the allotted "Christmas Season." I am obsessed with good uplifting romances, and it honestly doesn't matter what they are about. I just need one couple to ship and I am stuck.

So all that to introduce the couple of this week's post...

Prince Edward of Belgravia and Stacy DeNovo, a baker from Chicago.

(Princess Switch and Princess Switched Again)

(Princess Switch and Princess Switched Again)

Judge me all you want but there something about this Netflix double feature that just eases me when I need something simple to enjoy. These movies satisfy a couple of different story tropes:

-          Stuck Together

-          Soulmates

-          The Public Figure Fantasy

I know that there are two different love stories in these movies, but the reason I am not focusing on Margaret and Kevin because I just didn't relate to them as strongly as I did Stacy and Edward.

I am someone that likes order and having a plan. I know the hard work that goes into running a business, or --in my own way-- a kingdom. I want a partner, someone that wants my opinion on all matters that we will face.

Another reason that I relate more to Stacy is that getting the Prince is my fantasy.

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There are three main reasons as to why I ship these two.

First, they are simply hard-working and caring individuals. Edward is on his way to Spain for meetings and negotiations. He takes his work very seriously, but he realizes that these few days before their wedding it is crucial that he spends them with his "fiancée." He knows that the arranged marriage is not the first choice for either of them, but he really wants to make it work.

Stacy --as previously stated-- is a baker from Chicago. She owns her business with her best friend and business partner Kevin. She is focused and strict when it comes to how she spends her time and effort. Spontaneity is not her forte and she has missed out on a lot because of that rigid perception. When Lady Margaret practically tricks Stacy into going along with her insane idea Stacy has to adapt to being a Lady of the Court and she takes to it quite easily.

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Their kindness or caring spirits are brought out in the first movie when they associate with the Saint Andrew's Children's Home. Since it is a royal charity Edward is easily convinced to attend with the disguised Stacy and he gets to see her princess-like grace and love in action. Stacy sees Edward's passion for his people when he becomes aware of their needs. And both are acutely aware of how they help each other; Edward protects Stacy from embarrassment and Stacy encourages Edward in his role as Prince.

Second, even once they are married, they are always looking to do what is right by the people they love, but especially each other. In the first movie, Stacy is doing a favor for Margaret, but the return for it is a dance scholarship for her Goddaughter, Olivia (Kevin's daughter). Once we are farther into the story we see that she is now being driven to make things simple for Margaret's return, even if it will break her heart to let Edward go.

Edward's main job is to protect and serve his people, but part of his duty to his people is to also be happy in his marriage. He is determined to treat his Lady with respect, especially after she demands it. He wants to provide a happy life for those around him.

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In the second movie, we see their relationship become a little estranged, but not because they don't love each other. In fact, the opposite is true, they love each other so much they aren't sure how to show each other. Edward wants to spend time with Stacy but also wants to support her in her very busy schedule. Stacy wants to be the perfect princess for Edward and that gets in her way of actually spending time with him.

As for doing right by the other in their sphere, they are on the same page. They want happiness for their friends and are willing to meddle and goad to make it happen.

Lastly, they are made for each other. From their first true meeting, Stacy and Edward belonged together. They immediately bonded over the necessity of schedules and The Little Prince. Every time Stacy made up one of her "Montenaro Proverbs" Edward would just smile and accept it. In the moment where she could've truly embarrassed herself, he knew just how to ease the situation for her. And she brought Edward to life, allowing him to share his burdens, teaching him to play again, and reminding him that he is good at what he does.

In Princess Switched Again Stacy is confronted with Edward's fear that being married to him disappointed her. Since by this moment she was, once again assuming Margaret's role, she had to pretend that this didn't not affect her as much as it did.

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But she was glad to hear her husband's fears so that as soon as they switched back she could address them directly. Edward will always be there for her, even if he is sometimes relegated to the sidelines. He is ready to protect and serve his Princess and there is no way she is getting away from him without a fight.

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I love both Vanessa Hudgens and Sam Palladio. Their portrayal of the royal couple is wholesome and perfect. You truly believe that both are falling/are completely in love with each other throughout the arch of their romance. Their kisses seem to get deeper every time, and it makes me believe that their love only gets deeper as well.

I hope that you take some time to check out these movies. They are VERY CHEESY, but they are worth the watch at least once. So enjoy.

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Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Sacrificial Love


A Marriage of Opposites