The Wonderful Mr. Darcy


Ok, Dear Readers, we are now on week 3 of Jane June, and this week I am going to share with you the most popular Jane Austen story… Pride and Prejudice.

I have thought long and hard about what the main focus should be about this post, and I have decided to take all the Mr. Darcy characters that I know and focus on what different aspects of Darcy they portray. I have 4 different adaptations in mind. Sadly, for those of you that LOVE the Colin Firth version I have not seen it so I am unable to give my true opinion at the moment. But fear not,, Dear Readers, for it is on the list for Emily and me to watch.

The reason why I am focusing on Darcy alone is because the character of Elizabeth Bennet never really changes. They are portrayed differently but it is the Darcy character that everyone comes to see, so on that note let’s begin.

1. Justin Mortelliti (Pride and Prejudice: A New Musical 2020)


I thought I would start with Justin because this musical is brand new and may not be known as well as others. Emily and I found this musical during the isolation season and at first we were skeptical, but now it has become a movie we watch in the background when doing other things.

Not going to lie we almost turned it off but when you meet Darcy and he sings a song that confesses his love for Elizabeth after she snaps at him…you cannot help but finish.

For this character specifically we get to see what goes on inside of Mr. Darcy’s head. Darcy has his own songs and his own feelings that we don’t normally get to see when watching all the normal adaptations. Some of the songs he sings you really get a feel for who Darcy is and you think, “Wow, he really is not as bad a guy as Elizabeth makes him seem.”

Sorry that there is no clip, Dear Readers, but this is the exact song that had Emily and me falling in love with musical Darcy. This song is unique because you get to hear what Darcy is thinking and how he is falling in love with Elizabeth. I mean, come on ladies, we all know secretly we want men to watch us walk away.

2. Daniel Vincent Gordh (The Lizzie Bennet Diaries 2012)


In my last post I talked about a YouTube account called Pemberley Digital and how they created many short video series about different stories. Pemberley Digital’s first masterpiece was the 100 episode series about Lizzie Bennet and her journey through her vlogs. This series will knock your socks off it is set in a more modern tone to give audiences a fresh feel, but still stick to the original material.

Sadly, Darcy is not in the series as much as everyone hopes because this series really focuses on Lizzie and her journey while everyone else is a side character that pops in. Although this Darcy is more silent and brooding he has a playful side that we are able to tap into that most versions do not see. His love for his family and friends is portrayed through the eyes of his sister and best friend Fitz. I did find a clip of all the Lizzie and Darcy scenes and even though it is short you can really feel the chemistry they have together and in my opinion he is one of the more handsome Darcys.

3. Sam Riley (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies 2016).


Everyone says that Pride and Prejudice is an enemies to lovers trope, and I only half agree with that statement. This version of P&P is definitely one that is enemies to lovers because both Darcy and Elizabeth mutually hate each other and there is no miscommunication. Sam plays the perfect tall, dark and brooding leading man. Yes, this Darcy fights zombies and is incredibly stubborn, but his Darcy is unique and worth watching. His confession scene is my favorite because they are both fighting verbally and physically while Darcy is trying to tell Elizabeth that he loves her.

The best part is that Darcy is easy to “hate” in this movie because he is angry and bitter all the time, but when Darcy saves the one he loves, Elizabeth realizes that even though he is a pain she loves him back. Breaking through a cold heart makes the confession of love more wonderful.

4. Matthew Macfadyen (Pride & Prejudice 2005)


May I introduce you to the most popular Mr. Darcy. This version in my opinion is definitely NOT enemies to lovers because the relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth is more of a misunderstanding than hatred from both sides. You can tell that Darcy truly has feelings for Elizabeth but her pride blinds her from her true feelings about him.

It is hard to say which is the best Darcy but Matthew’s definitely has the better scenes. This is a movie that I would play on repeat not only for the AMAZING acting and bond that all of the characters have, but also for the beautiful music.

Each Darcy has their own quirks, charm, and unique portrayal. I am a big fan of the story and, of course, of Mr. Darcy. I do not see myself as an “Elizabeth” type of person, but I do love how this story shows that first impressions are not always true judge of character. I do not necessarily wish for a Mr. Darcy in my life, but I guess I have learned not to judge a book by its cover because my Mr. Darcy may not be who I think it is.

Until Then,

Peace Out Lovers!


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