Welcome to Earth!

Holy Cow Dear Readers! Happy 4th of July!

This day is celebrated in so many different ways between families all across the country. Today is a day where people BBQ, commune with neighbors, tell stories, and of course watch fireworks. Let’s not forget that today is also a day where we remember and celebrate that we are a free country! That freedom came at a price, and those that fought for us knew that price and those that continue to serve our country are well away of the price for freedom.

I am so excited that this day landed on my week to write because I get to talk about one of my favorite movies to watch on the 4th of July,

Independence Day!

This movie has three different types of love that I want to mention; love for a significant other, love for children, and love for our country.


The first love is more romantic love and how each main character loves their other half. First is Steven Hiller (Will Smith) who is an air force pilot and is engaged to the women that he loves, Jasmine (Vivica Fox), and her little boy, Dylan (Ross Bagley). He love Jasmine because she is strong and willing to fight for her beliefs and survival. When Steven and Jasmine are separated during the alien attack she finds her way back to his air force base along with the president’s wife, Marilyn Whitmore (Mary McDonnell), all because she refuses to think that he is dead and she knows that he will come back for her. The power of love is what keeps these two together which brings us to the second couple David (Jeff Goldblum) and Constance (Margaret Colin).


In the start of the movie these two are divorced and have not spoken to each other because David almost ruined her career with the president. When David comes across some coding that reveals the aliens true intentions he has to travel all the way to the White House just to pass on the message because his ex-wife will not answer the phone. The don’t end up together in the end but this type of life or death situation makes both of them realize that their petty arguments are not worth fighting over anymore and deep down they truly love each other.

And of course you have the final love between President Thomas Whitmore (Bill Pullman) and his wife Marilyn. Although you do not see these two together very much you are able to see the way they communicate and how they are each other’s equal match. When the movie begins Marilyn is in a different state working on Thomas’s new campaign and is about to fly home when the aliens arrive. Sadly, when Marilyn is finally reunited with her husband she has a brief moment to say goodbye to him and her daughter before passing away from injuries sustained from the attack. This breaks the Presidents heart, but he knows that he needs to be strong for his country and at least he has is daughter by his side.


The other topic I wanted to touch on is the love for kids. I kept out one major character, Russell Casse (Randy Quaid). This man was a former pilot that claims he was abducted by aliens and knows about all their tricks. Although this was never truly confirmed nor denied his kids were the ones who suffered for it. Russell had three kids he needed to look after but he was too drunk most days to keep a job and his kids had to learn to fend for themselves. When his youngest one threw a fit and broke his medicine bottle Russell acted quick and packed up his kids and drove to the nearest place that would have medical supplies AKA area 51. Lucky for him that is where all our main characters ended up meeting as well. When it was time for all available pilots to set off and distract the mothership from an inside attack Russell volunteered because he didn’t want his kids to see him as a failure. Russell did more than that, in fact he blew up on of the main ships sacrificing himself for his country and for the love of his kids.

Finally it is a movie about Independence Day so it is only fair that we talk about all the sacrifice and work that different people were willing to give in order to save the country once again. President Whitmore notices that he is asking a lot when requesting all available pilots to help be a distraction for the main team to take down the mothership. When he is out looking at the troops he notices that some are scared and most importantly…young. Before he and all the men go up he gives one of the most famous speeches ever:

Wow talk about inspirational! I cry every time he gives that speech because not only is he saying it to everyone else but he is saying it for him. He is not one of those presidents that sits idly while others do the deed, but instead he also suits up and puts his former pilot years to the test and joins the fight with his fellow brothers in arm.

The speech rings true even in today’s world as those that are continually serving may not be fighting aliens, but they are keeping us safe. The world we live in is dangerous but those that are serving choose to serve and now they know the value of life and how freedom comes with a cost.

Today is the 4th of July and although it seems like it is about BBQ and fireworks there is so much more to the holiday, and if you look carefully we are blessed to be Americans. God has given us many blessings and today I want you all, Dear Readers, to think about those that keep this country free and give thanks for things you have. I am glad I got to share my love for this movie with all of you and I hope that those of you who have NEVER seen it will really consider watching it with an open perspective.


Until Then,

Peace Out Lovers!


So Much Deeper


I Have Loved None But You