Wonder of the World

It’s the most WONDERful time of the year!

What exactly does that mean? What makes Christmas so full of wonder?

Wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or inexplicable according to the dictionary. What makes you full of wonder, Dear Readers?

For me, I LOVE the lights and the way people present their houses for the holidays. I love houses that make you feel warm and welcomed. When my friends and I go strolling to look at lights we call it “light shopping” which makes no sense but we love saying it because it confuses people. As we go “shopping” we see all these cute displays with multiple themes and we all just enjoy each other’s company. The lights bring me a sense of peace and they put a look of wonder on my face. My favorite is when people put up a basic/simple nativity scene. It reminds us to be humbled, but also it just shows that even great things, like Jesus, can start in something as simple as a stable. This is the season, where my light for God shines the brightest, it is the time for love and spreading the good news that Jesus Christ is born to save us from sin. I want God’s light to shine in my life so that people wonder about what causes it to shine so brightly.

What if we looked at the Christmas season through a child’s eyes? Children see the world in such a different and more vibrant way that it makes the Christmas season more bright! My little nephews are 7 and 5 and they love Christmas because it is a time where family comes together and they dance to Christmas music. When asking them what is the best thing about Christmas the 7-year old says, “I love Christmas because it is the time of year where we remember Jesus came to save the world.” That is such a big statement for such a young kid, but when you are younger and have nothing to really worry about you are able to have room for the “wonder” of God’s sacrifice.

“Wonder” is a huge part of Christianity because if you are never curious or you never ask questions about God how will you ever learn about Him? In Adventures in Odyssey, Whit’s End has three main themes; wonder, excitement, and discovery. Whit knew that children are precious in God’s eyes and he wanted to make them a place where they feel safe to ask questions and learn about all the different stories in the Bible. Children could learn in the Bible Room, Imagination Station, Bible bowl, or even just talking to Whit themselves. It is people like Whit, Tom Riley, Bernard Walton, and George Barkley that keep the town running smoothly because they know how to cater to the younger generation and their goal is to raise them in the way of the Lord, but without the initial feeling of wonder there would be no story.

I feel that the world is so caught up in the material world that we forget about the true meaning of Christmas and all the sacrifice that came with it. God gave up His one and only son to come down to Earth and save us all by being killed.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
— Isaiah 9:6

God gave us the greatest gift of all, and our job is to make sure that people don’t forget it. Emily, Scarlett, and I always talk to you, Dear Readers, about love and what it means to us, and I am here to tell you that there wouldn’t be a blog if it weren’t for the love of God that was given to us. I believe that the idea of true love comes from God and if we refuse God’s love there would be no point or drive in our lives.

In the movie Veggietales: The Star of Christmas Cavis, and Millward put on a big production about love and how it conquers all, but the church down the street is putting on a Christmas Pageant on the same night. Cavis believes that their story is better because it is big and flashy, but after an accident causing the theater to burn down, Cavis and Millward are forced to rethink what “love” truly means. While they are in jail they meet a man who tells them what love really is:

Sure someone can be nice to you, when they want something from you, but that’s not love. Giving up something for someone when there is nothing in it for you…that’s love. Going to someone who needs help when you won’t get nothing back…that’s love. If you ask me you cannot teach a man to love, it is not in his nature.
— Mr. Pincher

Think about it, when you love something are you hoping for something back or are you doing it because you know it is the right thing to do? Cavis realizes that the best love story was given to us by God and nothing can top that. As a result of finding the love, God has given he decides to share the love and spread it to the old man in the jail.

So this Christmas season makes sure you are spreading the awe and wonder of the Lord to others. Even if you do not believe, know that there is a greater love out there and all you got to do is be curious and full of wonder and God will reveal Himself to you in ways you cannot imagine.

Merry Christmas Dear Readers!

Until next time,
Peace out lovers!


Tales of a Wooden Prince

