Cinematic Romance

            For the past four months, she has waltzed through those doors with determination in her eyes. She's got a semi-casual look every time. She wears black to slim down her human curves, and makeup to cover up possible imperfections. But something about the way she walked, talked and smiled held his attention from the first day he saw her.

            He checked his watch mentally counting ...3...2...1... and in she walked. Her eyes were averted as she seemed to be checking her pockets. As if satisfied she looked directly at the man behind the counter with the bright smile that he had come to anticipate. Today she seemed happier than usual, with maybe an extra bounce in her step.

            "Good evening, Nathaniel," she addressed him.

            "Good evening Amelia. As usual perfect timing, twenty minutes early." She giggled lightly. “May I ask you a question?"

            "Of course."

            "You only ever buy one ticket, so why do you dress up to go to a dark movie theater if no one is going to see you?"

            She gave him a challenging smile, "You see me." And I like what I see, he thought. "I dress up for two reasons," she started to explain. "The first is that I've always tried to look nicer when I go in public. My father taught me that and my job sort of requires it. The second would be because I have a date with the Leading man in the movie I am watching."

            "And in today's case who is the lucky man?" Her smile grew, if possible, at his sneaky compliment.

            "Tonight, Tom Hardy is my date."

            "Not a man to keep waiting," He joked. She nodded in agreement.

            “He keeps the spice in our unique relationship,” she smirked at her joke.

            Something about her had him totally enraptured, but she wasn't that spectacular just a tad peculiar. She ordered her usual, pulling out the exact change for it all. How long has she been doing this? He had seen some weird scenes having been transferred from theatre to theatre helping manage his father's businesses. She seemed to stand out in his head. She wasn't unattractive, but always alone. Obviously, she a tad cinema obsessed or she wouldn't know the exact amount of change and he wouldn't know her "usual" order.

            "Nathaniel," she whispered, "I am glad you got a job here. I have been enjoying our banter." She looked into his questioning eyes and shrugged, "I just thought you should know."

            "Put a good word in with the owner and maybe he'll keep me here," Nathaniel chuckled.

            "I will be sure to do that," she announced before disappearing into the hall of theaters. One of these days she will not be sitting alone...


            He watched the clock counting down the minutes until she would emerge from her movie. He, honestly, can’t put a finger on what it is about her that intrigues him. She is a little on the heavyweight side but she hides it well. Just means that she isn’t a Hollywood Starlet but she is lovely. 10 seconds and counting... What will I say to her? 3...2...1... The phone rang just as he stood to leave. Grrrr!

            “Hometown Theater, this is Nathaniel, how can I help you?”

            “You know as one of the owners you don’t have to be the last one out of there every weekend.”

            Everything in Nate wanted to hang up on his friend, “Shane, I really can’t talk right now.”

            “What are you talking about? It is 12:45 at night. Who on Earth is still there?” Those clicks of worn-out heels fill the empty lobby and Shane hummed as if he were waiting for an answer. Nate knew he was cornered.

            “Shane, hold for a second. I have to finish something,” Nate lied.

            He threw down the phone and practically booked it out of the office, but he was too late. She was already through the door, but she turned with a hope to catch a glimpse of him in the office. She was startled to find him waving to her from his cash register. She smiled brightly and waved back. I am going to kill him.

            “Dude, you owe me your soul!”

            “You say that as if it’s news. What was I interrupting?”

            “Oh just… Never mind. What do you want so late?”

            Like he thought Shane hadn’t wanted anything just calling because he couldn’t sleep and thought Nate would be up for a Battle Royale. Nate’s mind flashed back to her and the smile and little wave he managed to get it before she disappeared into the night. He knew that he wasn’t going to sleep anytime soon, and agreed.

            “One condition,” Nate added.

            “What is that?”

            “I am going to need your help planning a date for next Tuesday night.”

            “This ought to be fun.”


            He couldn’t keep his toes from tapping as he waited anxiously for the doors to reveal her smiling face. He was prepared today, even had an extra student on the clock so could slip away. He explained the game plan to Stephanie and her romantic heart was more than happy to help him accomplish his goal.

            He stood in the office watching the door from a safe hiding spot. Between his clock on the wall and his watch, he started to freak out. It was a minute to her arrival time, but he hadn’t even seen her car. He tried to breathe and think about something else. His alarm went off and he shot to his feet. Stephanie tried to hide her smile as he paced behind her trying to occupy himself.

            It was the last showing of the night and there was almost nobody in the theatre, so she knew what had him all wound up. He was mumbling questions, speculating reasons, even contemplating playing security guard and checking the parking lot for foul play. Stephanie turned to address her paranoid boss but the front door flung open and a lovely lady came hurrying in. Stephanie heard Nathaniel’s breathe catch as the lady came up to the counter breathless.

            “One ticket for No Time To Die,” she smiled.

            “So Daniel Craig is the man of the hour tonight,” Nathaniel asked turning around. Her lovely green eyes lit up as she took him in. He took in her dress she was wearing a green and white polka dot dress with a knit cardigan sitting on her shoulders. Her hair was tied up in an emerald bow.

            “I am so sorry I am late, I got held up at the office and I couldn’t break away sooner,” she explained through her panting.

            “I was about to send a search party out for you,” Nate joked trying to get his nervousness back under control. What do you do that would keep you at the office after 7? She laughed and smiled at him, then returned her attention to Stephanie.

            “Will there be anything else,” the young cashier asked. Nate moved to start getting her popcorn and soda but her response stopped him.

            “Not tonight. My budget is a little tight.”

            She always had the money, down to the last cent, this was new. He was about to ask when she looked at the clock and hurriedly said goodbye.

            Stephanie turned to her boss with a bright smile. “So that is the reason I am working so late?”

            He nodded, “Do you mind?”

            “Only if you are going to stay out here the whole time. Go get changed.”

            He was about to ask how she knew but he could clearly see the white button-down and four tie options sitting on his chair. She started pushing him in that direction.

            “Okay I am going, but you need to get a medium popcorn, extra butter, and two medium Coca-Cola.” She agreed and he went to get changed.


            Stephanie had approved of his black tie and vest, before giving him the concessions. The theatre lights were dim by the time Nathaniel made his way inside. Amelia was sitting in the middle section almost dead center of the screen. Maybe a few other people were scattered around the theatre. 

            Her eyes were glued to the trailer. The blue light reflected off her glasses, lighting up her satisfied look as she wrapped herself in her cardigan. 

            Nate quietly made his way to her side, “Excuse me is this seat taken?”

            She looked up with confused eyes, “Nathaniel?”

            “You can call me Nate,” he suggested.

            “Dude, just sit down!” Someone yelled at them.

            Amelia took the popcorn from him so he could sit. Once situated he traded her one of the sodas for the popcorn.

            “Your usual, milady.” His flourish made her giggle. “You weren’t able to get your snacks but I couldn’t let you be on a date without something to eat.”


            “You told me last week that you dress up because you like to think you are on a date with the leading man.”

            “You remembered that?”

            “Of course, it made me jealous.”

            She laughed out loud and was shushed by the couple behind them. She whispered, “If you wanted a date all you had to do was ask.”

            “Will you go on a date with me?”

            “Right now?” She whispered.

            “Please?” He held out his hand.

            She took it and leaned in, “I would be honored.”

Author’s Note: This was part of a challenge among my friends to see who could write a sweeter romance. I didn’t win this time, but I really liked the story. So let me know if you would like to see more of Nathaniel and Amelia’s story.

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Meeting Liam McCartney


Late Night Trip