His Favorite Christmas Story


It was Christmas Eve and the man was shuffling around his living room setting out the cookies for his guests. The man was about 55, medium built and very handsome. He had just settled down in this lovely neighborhood a couple of years ago. He had a reputation for telling great stories about his travels, and all the kids in the neighborhood would gather around to hear them. 

The man looked at his watch, “It is almost 5 o’clock. They should be coming right about…”

Ding Dong 

The man smiled knowing that it was time to let them in. He opened the door and greeted each kid by name as they all piled into the living room with cookies in hand.

The man sat in his chair, “So what kind of story are you wanting tonight? How about my trip to Europe where I saw the Eiffel Tower? Or what about my trip to Antarctica to see the penguins?”

All the kids moaned in complaint, “No Mr. Maverik! You know what story we want. It is Christmas Eve.”

Mr. Maverik smiled and said, “That one again? I have told that story so many times you probably have it memorized.” The kids giggled knowing that he was just messing around.

“Ok,” sighed Mr. Maverik, “let’s begin.”

“It was 1937, I was up in Delaware for a business conference and a buddy of mine invited me to a Christmas Eve ball/fundraiser at the nearby recreation center. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but having my friend with me was comforting. I walked around and shook a few hands, had a few laughs, but then I saw her. It was like time stopped for hours. She was wearing…”

“Red lipstick to match her pretty dress,” a little girl interrupted.

Mr. Maverik smiled, “That is right, Claire. She looked stunning and I could not keep my eyes off of her. In fact, I spent most of the night working up the nerve just to go talk to her. Being afraid is the worst feeling ever. Finally at a quarter till 11 I gained up the courage and walked up to her. I could not remember my name, so instead of introducing myself I asked her to dance. She looked at me with her dazzling blue eyes and said, ‘I thought you would never ask.’” 

The kids sighed aloud and began to giggle as Mr. Maverik stood up and walked to his record player. He placed an old record on the player and set the needle. The music filled the room as all the kids partnered up and pretended to dance. The song playing was The Christmas Waltz, and Frank Sinatra’s voice filled the living room. 

“Now this may not have been the exact song that was playing but it was similar.” Mr. Maverik began to dance with an imaginary partner along with the kids. Once the song was over the kids settled down again and gave Mr. Maverik their full attention. “We didn’t talk much about our personal lives except that I traveled for work and she was a small town nurse. We danced the night away, and nothing else seemed to matter. It was love at first sight, but it was quickly broken up when my buddy interrupted the dance to introduce me to an important client. After that I tried to look for her, but she was nowhere to be found. I didn’t even get her name.”

“But there is hope you will see her again...right, Mr. Maverik?” Mr. Maverik looked at each kid with an encouraging smile. “Yes, Mark, there is always a chance, and to make sure it happens I wish every year on the Christmas Star that one day I will meet my love again.” 

The kids got up and began to gather their things and wished Mr. Maverik a Merry Christmas as they all walked home. This was all he had left were his stories and these kids that were so interested in them. This was his legacy… “The Christmas Story-Telling Traveling Man,” and that was ok with him, because he got to make a difference in other’s lives. Besides he never got tired telling his favorite Christmas story about the girl with no name.

Story inspired by the Christmas song “His Favorite Christmas Story”



Happy New Year, Darling!


Late Night Cuddling