Meeting Liam McCartney

Honestly, you would be a little embarrassed for me if you knew what first attracted me to Liam. We met in a Barnes & Nobles cafe, and we hit it off a little more each time we met… but that first time will always stick out in my mind as the day I realized how materialistic I could be.

I happened to look up just as he came past my booth on his way to the counter. His disheveled hair and slouching shoulders made it look like he just wasn’t a morning person. It was the pressed suit that threw me off. He had a black dinner jacket lying over his arm and a black backpack slung over his right shoulder. He was swaying to the low ambiance music while waiting to be recognized by the distracted barista.

He looked around and caught me, obviously staring at him. I smiled and waved, and he just winked. I could feel the blush on my cheeks, so I quickly looked back at my bible. I looked up just in time for the barista to finally pay attention to him as he ordered two cheesecakes and a Caramel Frappe; he put a book down on the counter as well. 

“Do you have a Barnes & Noble Membership Card?”

The way he flashed her that little green card had my heart fluttering. Are you kidding me? I was impressed by the membership card! I think it was also the fact that he was ready with it, which means he used it often. The unenthused barista just chewed her gum and took her time filling his order. I looked down at my Bible so that I wouldn’t get caught staring again. I couldn’t concentrate on the words, and I felt awful. I closed my eyes and asked God for forgiveness since I’d been distracted my whole devotional time. 

“Excuse me,” I heard a male voice call out to me. My Membership Hunk was literally the only other patron in the joint, so it wasn’t hard to figure out who was calling me. 

I looked up with a smile, “Yes?”

“I was just wondering if you would like to join me for a piece of cheesecake?” He didn’t really let me answer, just sat in front of me, sliding a slice of Red Velvet and a fork in my direction. “The barista said that you are a regular and that this is your go-to when you get dessert.”

Well, it was good to know that our distractable barista actually did pay attention to her customers. I would end up adding quick judgment to the list of things I would need to ask forgiveness for later. I closed my Bible and moved it a bit to the side before I pulled the cheesecake in front of me.

“What were you reading?”

“Oh, I was just trying to get my daily devotional done for the day,” I explained. “I’ve been going through Genesis. I wanted to get a better understanding of most of the Sunday School stories.”

“That is awesome,” he smiled and reached into his backpack, which was now by his feet. He pulled out his own leather-bound Bible. “Do you mind if I join you? I love those stories.”

“Well, I am not very far in. Today is my first day.”

He just smiled and whispered, “Perfect.”

“Um,” I whispered, “I am Emily.”

His eyes went big, “I am so sorry! I am Liam. Well, William, but I prefer Liam.” We shook hands. “I am sorry for not introducing myself. I just wanted to talk to you.”

I couldn’t stop the smile, “Why?”

He snapped his suspender and gave me a sly look, “You looked at me first.” My eyes got large, the blush on my cheeks deepened, and I knew he had won. “It isn’t too often that I see a lovely lady reading her Bible in the middle of a cafe.”

“It isn’t every day I see a very well-dressed bedhead,” I playfully replied. 

“Touche,” he relented. “Well, Emily, do you mind if I pray and we dig in?”

I had already slipped a forkful of cheesecake into my mouth. I am sure I had the funniest cat-ate-the-canary look on my face. I nodded quickly, put my fork down and bowed my head, and waited. His prayer was simple, asking for understanding about what we were about to read and grateful praise for the food and company. Once he said “Amen,” we dove right into the Creation story and our cheesecake.

He had an incredible reading voice, and we had pretty similar ideas about God’s Word. We fell into it so easily that it was hard to believe that we had honestly just met. 

“Do think the snake was charming, or was he just playing on her curiosity? I asked him. “I don’t think I would be charmed, but if someone were using my curiosity against me, I would fall for it.”

“I think what bothers me about this story is how it is the first time we see humanity blame someone else. I also hate that he didn’t stand by his wife,” 

“You are telling me that if God were coming to discipline you, you wouldn’t throw your wife under the bus?”

He shrugged, “I guess we will find out someday.” He took a second to look at his watch. “Shoot, I’ve got to go. I will be late for work.”

“Oh,” I replied, sounding a bit more dejected than I meant to be. 

He heard it; the smirk he was trying to hide was proof. What is going on? Who is his guy, and why are my insides turning at the thought of never seeing him again?

As if he could read my mind, he picked up my hand and kissed it. “Same time tomorrow, Emily?”

“Hm? Oh, I can’t tomorrow, but I am here Friday?”

“I can’t do Friday. Can I have your number, and we will arrange a good time to meet?”

I nodded and pulled out my phone. Once he got my number saved, he texted me, and I saved his. He smiled, and before I knew he leaned in to kiss my cheek. “See you soon,” he whispered.

“It was nice to meet you, Liam.”

“Eagerly awaiting the next time, Emily.”

He disappeared out the door, and I could almost hear God laughing. He seemed to whisper, “I told you he would be worth the wait?”

Chloe and Scarlett are never going to believe me.

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


In Loving Memory


Cinematic Romance