Oh How Time Flies…

My alarm goes off at 7am and I think to myself, what am I doing waking up early on my vacation? Oh yes, I want to cook breakfast for Tree as a thank you for letting me crash at her place for the week.

I get up, make my way to the kitchen, and start to make French Toast with bacon and eggs. Tree comes out in her PJs and messy hair, “Look at you go Ma’am. I was going to make you breakfast but you beat me to it.” She gives me a quick hug from behind and goes to set the table. “So, you are only here for a couple days, right?” “Yes,” I reply, “I am just on a week break before my next clinical shift in Nashville.”

I walk over with the food and sit next to her. We say grace and dig in. As we eat, we talk about my first clinical shift and her internship at the big law firm in town. “It sounds like we are both doing exactly what we wanted.” She laughs, “Yes because working long hours and getting 5 hours of sleep every night is exactly where we wanted to be 5 years ago.” I join her in the laughing and the doorbell interrupts us. I open the door to be greeted by a white orchid with a red bow tie wrapped around it.

I shake my head as I close the door behind me. “Ooo someone is special!” Tree said as she took the orchid from my hand and placed it on the counter in the sun. I swipe the little card from the pot:

Hello my love,

I am so happy that you are back home in time for our two-year anniversary! Your mission if you choose to accept it is to meet me at Tree’s house by 6PM sharp. Wear the red dress!

“You know your boyfriend is making it harder for men around the world to reach the standard he has put up,” Tree said in a snarky tone. I smirked and looked at the clock, I had enough time to go see my parents and then meet him back here.

I drive to my parent’s house and was instantly greeted by my dog Shadow. “Hi buddy! I missed you so much. How is my baby boy?” After he finished licking me and getting his fair share of belly rubs, I finally made my way to the living room where my mother was reading on the couch. “Hi mom!” “Oh, so now you come and say hi to me. After you have already gave the dog all your love?” I laugh and give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I am here to catch up and was wondering if you would help me with my hair tonight?” My mom rolls her eyes but reluctantly pulls up Pinterest to get some ideas.

A couple hours later my hair is finished, and I love it. My mom did a half up half down French braid that met in the middle, then she weaved my hair through the braid to make a small heart in the middle. It looked amazing and I couldn’t wait for Ryan to see it (he always loves seeing what my mom can do with hair).

I run back home with Shadow in the front passenger seat. As I pull up, I see Tree leaving the house, “Hey missy, where are you going?” She reached out to pet Shadow through the car window, “I just got a call from the office, and we have a major case that they are going to need all hands-on deck for.” I frowned at her as I reached out for a hug. “Fine but I am telling you, you will be missing my two-year anniversary dress up montage.” She smirks, “Don’t remind me Ma’am. Now get in there and make yourself irresistible. Love you and have fun tonight!” “Love you too and don’t work too hard please!” Tree gets in the car and drives off.

I head inside and give Shadow some food and water before I head into the bedroom to change. I go to my luggage and pull out the fancy red polka dot dress I bought while I was in Chicago for my first clinical rotation. He will be so surprised!

As I am putting on the final touches, I hear my phone buzz:

Do you have any fancy jackets/coats? I just feel like you should bring a jacket just in case you go for a walk or something and it’s cold.

No just the coats I wear outside.

I have a blazer in my closet but I’m sure it would look way too big on you. What about your mom? Does she have one?

Tree I am fine I will wear my normal black coat.

Mmmm ok if you say so.

I roll my eyes and toss my phone on the bed. What a goober nugget, but she is my goober nugget.

The front door opens, and I hear Shadow give a little warning bark. I take a deep breath and walk carefully out because heels are still hard for me to walk in. I come around the corner and Ryan’s eyes popped. “Wow, babe you look amazing!” I blush, “Thank you! You don’t look too bad yourself Handsome.” He reaches out and puts his hand around my waist to pull me in for a kiss. Shadow gives a little warning bark and covers his eyes with his paws. We both laugh, “Shall we?” I grab the red bowtie from the orchid and clasp it around his neck, “Let’s shall.”

We jump into the car, and he starts to drive us to our dinner destination. We pull into a gravel parking lot, and he comes around to help me out. We walk into the restaurant and the host looks at us and says, “I am sorry you guys, but the model convention is down the street.” I look at Ryan and I can tell that comment may have hit his ego a bit, but he looks at me and gives me a sly wink.

Dinner was amazing and we had an amazing talk about his work and my first six weeks at clinicals in Chicago. Before they served dessert, I got up to freshen up in the bathroom and of course call Tree. Tree did not answer so I left her a long message about how amazing tonight has been, and that she is missing it. When I head back to the table there is a Strawberry Shortcake waiting for me. “Look at you Handsome, you can order dessert all by yourself.” He gives me a slight kick under the table, “Hey just because I ordered the wrong dessert that one time does not mean I deserve to be teased about it forever.” I laughed and started to eat.

After Ryan pays the bill, we walk out to the car, and he starts to drive the opposite direction of my house. “Where are you going?” “It’s a surprise Honey, is that not ok?” I smile, “You know I love surprises.” I hold his hand as he drives out toward the west end of town and pulls up at Copper Park. I start to open the car door, “Chloe, you better not open that door by yourself!” I gave him my signature nose scrunch pretty much signaling that I was going to be rebellious. I open the door and jump out of the car, and I begin to run towards the gazebo in the middle of the park.

Ryan catches up to me and grabs my waist and lifts me off my feet. “Did you really think you could get away with that?” “Personally, I thought I would have made it the whole way if it weren’t for these silly heels.” Ryan pulls me tight and starts to kiss me.

We make our way to the gazebo and Ryan stops me before reaching the stairs. “Close your eyes.” I decided to follow instructions this time. I hear a switch and light illuminates on the other side of my eyelids. “Ok, open!” I open my eyes to the gazebo stringed with icicle lights all around the top. “Happy anniversary my love.”

My eyes fill with tears, and I run toward him and pull him in for another amazing kiss. Ryan wipes away a couple tears that went rogue. He walks me to the middle of the gazebo, and he pulls out a small red lantern from behind him. Where does he hide those? “Ok Chloe this time we will be writing a date we wish to get married. Not a year just a fun date.” Ryan hands me the lantern and a sharpie. I write down March 3 because that is our anniversary of when we started dating and I think it would be fun to get married on our anniversary. I pass off the lantern to him and he writes his date quietly. He looks up at me, “Ok are you ready?” I nod my head and he hands me the lantern, first I see my date then I rotate it and see his. I gasp, “You told me I couldn’t put a year…” I look down one more time to see March 3, 2023.

I look up to see Ryan down on one knee with a ring in hand looking up at me with his big brown eyes. “Chloe, I know we said we wouldn’t do this until you were done with PA school, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. March 3rd of next year you will be finishing up your clinicals and you will have a week break where we will be able to squeeze it in. That way, when you graduate, we will be married and can start our life together.”

I can no longer hold back my tears, “Ryan yes! Yes of course I will marry you!” He stands up and kisses me as we twirl around in the gazebo. Tears are falling faster as he puts the ring on my finger. “Tree is not going to believe this, and neither is my family.” Ryan gives a slight chuckle, “Yeah about that… they are all waiting for us back at your parents house. Tree set the whole thing up.” I gasp, “That piece of junk lied right to my face.” You know that is probably why she told me to get a coat. Ryan pulls me in, “Come on now you know you are not mad at her.” “Oh, I am but it is ok I will get her back next time.”

Ryan and pulls me in for one last kiss and began to head back to the car. I grab his hand, “Can we stay here just a little longer by ourselves?” Ryan laughs, “I knew you were going to ask that.” He pulls out a small remote from his pocket and all the sudden music begins to play from the speakers above. “Wow you really thought of everything didn’t you?” “What can I say, I know my girl.” I laugh as I pull him in and we sway to the music.


Late Night Trip


The Valentine’s Game