Testing Time

A story inspired by Raining in London lyrics. I posted on Facebook a challenge for readers to give me a song and I would right a story for it using the lyrics. This was my first challenge. I will post the lyrics so you can see recognize them through out the story. Please comment and let me know what you think.

Virginia’s P.O.V.

            “You are invited to the Ten Year Reunion of the Silver Vipers Class of 2011-”

            "No!” Virginia quickly snatched the card from her best friend’s hand. “It hasn’t been ten years already, has it.”

            “That was a very different reaction than I had,” Her friend Hallie smiled. “Mine was more along the lines of ‘ONLY TEN YEARS!’” Virginia was momentarily startled out of her shock by Hallie’s animate reenactment.

            “Ten years went by so fast,” Virginia whispered.

            “Or not fast enough in your case,” Hallie smirked. “You are wondering if he got one, aren’t you?”

“Well, not really,” She smiled. “After all, he is a ‘Silver Viper Class of 2011.’ I am just curious if he would say it was too fast or too slow?”

            “Well I guess we are going to see how much our old friends have changed since then, it made be good for you to go… one last look at our good old days before you jet off to Chicago.” Hallie pushed in the island barstool and rounded the counter to hug her friend. “I am going to head out, Josh just texted me that he is on his way.”

            The front door had closed by the time Virginia registered that her roommate had even left. She stared at the fun lettering so hard that the words began to blur together. Hadn’t really been that long since they all shared the pride of graduating together and watching the world open up to them?

            Ten years Twenty-two days to be precise.

            Virginia heard a faint whine calling to her from her foggy state. She blinked, shaking herself back to reality, and found her lovely corgi pawing at her feet. Leaning down, Virginia smiled, “Oh Izzy, I’m sorry, did you need something?” The puppy briefly leaned into the petting before moving to her empty food bowl and whining once again.

            Alright, I can take a hint.

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            Virginia had been stalling all day, purposely avoiding her room. But now she had nothing to distract her anymore. The door opened slowly and immediately she was met with the playful photo of them making cookies in her kitchen for one of their group “family nights.” Next to it sits a postcard from England. Colin was so excited to be offered a job, Virginia knew she would never hold him back.

            She laid down on her bed and took a deep breath. Just outside clouds were looming in front of the rising moon. I wonder if it’s raining in London? I wonder if the moon looks the same where you are? She turned to the photo and stared at the handsome face. Suddenly a tune came to mind and she smirked. Still think about the silly sound of you humming or you singing to nothing in your car.

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            She turned to her side and caught sight of her senior yearbook. It beckoned to her. Calling out to her like the sickly song of Maleficent’s curse, she obeyed the beckon rolling out of bed and crawling to it. Each cover is etched with well-wishers and letters of support from friends and teachers. These are the people that she will be seeing in a month. She flipped through the pages and out fell a napkin. Looking at it, she thought, I think we must have known how it ended when we wrote on a napkin with tears and a pen. We were just a couple of kids who pretended until it felt real in our heads. It felt so real to her but they were just kids, there had to be a sense that their story had a built-in ending.

            She flipped to his senior picture. He looked so determined in his letterman jacket leaning against a tree. If I had met you today, would I have loved you the same? She thought about getting rid of the photo on her night stand, but she just couldn’t work up the courage to do it. If I had known it would take ten years and twenty-two days to stop loving you… I would have followed you…

            She looked at the invitation on her nightstand and knew that she had to see him again. Now it was just a matter of hoping that he would make the trip home.

----                               ----                               ----

Colin’s P.O.V.

“Oi Mate,” Sean called out from the front door of the flat.

            Colin rolled his eyes, but replied with, “In the Kitchen!” The brash flatmate rounded the corner with a confused look on his face. “What?” Colin pried.

            “I honestly thought that you were teasing me when you said you were from Emery, Montana.”

            “Says the guy from Bath!”

            “I just mean it sounds like a town where you would find Leprechauns.”

            “Why are we talking about my hometown?” Colin asked as he stirred the marinara sauce.

            “Because it looks like your Alma Mater is reaching out.”


            “You are invited to the Ten-Year Reunion of the Silver Vipers Class of 2011..” Colin froze in place, every muscle refusing to move. “You alright, Mate?”

            “Sorry,” Colin whispered, “I’m fine. I just can’t believe it has been ten years.” He quickly remembered what he was doing and went back to the food on the stove. He poured the marinara on the chicken parmesan he was testing. Sean had already lost interest in his friend's discomfort and honestly, Colin preferred it that way. As if on autopilot he dished up dinner and served his gluttonous mate.

            Is she going to be there? Am I ready to see her again?

            "Is this about that girl in the picture on your dresser?" Sean spoke up. For some reason, the question surprised Colin.  "The one with you and some girl laughing under a winter blanket?"

            "I know what picture you are talking about."

            "Well, is your thoughtful mood because you are thinking about her?"

            "Yeah actually," Colin smirked.

            "What happened there?"

            "We just needed to see what the world had for us..."

            “Well, are you going to go,” Sean asked point-blank. Colin just shrugged. He walked back to his room and immediately locked eyes on the photo Sean was referring to. Virginia’s smile on display as she stares at him while the cuddled under a blanket trying to warm up after a sledding adventure. They were so young and in love. I wonder if you look any different and would I see the years that have passed on your eyes? Her green eyes have always haunted his dreams, and to see bags under his eyes would be a tad heartbreaking. That would mean he didn’t share those years with her. There’s still a part of me missing, a part I no longer recognize.

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            What would happen if he went to this reunion? Would she be there to greet him? But if I had met you today would I have loved you the same. Would she want to see him after the last ten years? If I had known it would take ten years and twenty-two days to stop loving you… Colin went out to pick up the invitation. He took a good look at it and knew that there was only one thing he could do. Stop loving you? I never did.

            “So you are going back to Emery, Montana,” Sean sighed. “Want a traveling companion?”

            A couple weeks later he looked out the plane window thinking back on the last month trying to decide what he would say to her. If I had met you today, would I have loved you the same?

            The flight attendant's shadow fell over him.

            "The one that got away?" She smiled.

            He smirked, "Yeah, how did you guess?"

She laughed and motioned to his snoring companion. “How long has it been since you've seen her?"

            "A little over ten years,” he shrugged.

            "Does she know you are coming?"

            "It is our ten-year high school reunion, so I am sure she has an inkling," Colin smiled.

            "Well, I hope it all works out for you. Can I get you something to drink?"

            "Yeah, I will take a Coke, thank you."

            She handed him the cup of ice and cold can and moved on to the next row. Colin's eyes fell down to the photo once again. Where did the time go? After so long you just became someone I used to know.

----                   ----                   ----

            Virginia looked around the gymnasium, her friends and former classmates crowded around the tables that lined the walls. There were couples on the dance floor moving to the hits of the early 2000s. She searched the faces looking for one particular face. One that she hasn’t seen in ten years. Would she even recognize him? I guess I don’t really know who you are now. I guess that we met with our heads in the clouds. They were high school sweethearts. A lot can happen in ten years, so why should she assume she would know him right away?

            Colin stood at the check-in table trying to see if her name was still present, praying that she wasn’t here yet so he could have a couple more minutes to prepare. Cecilia Carmichael… Hannah Carson…

            “What are you looking for, mate?” Sean poked him.

            “Virginia Crieghton,” Colin announced without looking up. So I look for your name and I say it out loud. Maybe that will make you real to me.

            “Oh she is standing over by the band,” the check-in girl announced.

            He looked toward the band and saw her. It was so obvious it was her. Her auburn hair is shining under the stage lights, her usual straightened hair is slightly curled, and her dress is pearl white silk.

            “Well, what are you waiting for,” Sean laughed. “Go get your girl.” He literally shoved Colin into the ballroom, and like a cheesy 80s movie the crowd seemed to part a path straight toward her. Virginia gasped. He was there! His black suit matched his slicked jet black hair that glinted in the mood lighting. His blue button-up matched his eyes. He looked like a slightly older version of the boy she knew, but other than that he was exactly the same.

            She moved to meet him on the dance floor. Each one’s steps were tentative and nervous. They stared at each other for a silent minute. I don’t know how to feel…

            Their hands met first and that familiar spark shot down their spines. Colin pulled her into his arms. I feel at home… at last.                                                              

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Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


Nightmares and Sweet Dreams


The Perfect Day