Late Night Cuddling

The clink of keys dropping into the aluminum dish was the only sound that rang through my empty home. He must be working late tonight... not that he ever beats me home. Our hours are always late, but every once in a while we have very late nights.

I have always been a control freak, and cling to any chance I have to control a situation. My hours are more controllable but that is easy to do since I own a diner. Liam teases me about my punctuality, but my rigidity is good for keeping him on a manageable schedule, and his easygoing mannerisms keep me loose... well looser. I think I have adapted well since I said “I do” to one of Broadway’s most decorated composers/actors. 

I should be dead on my feet but I was hungry and I love cooking. I figured I had a little bit of time to put some dinner together for when he got home. So, I quickly shrugged off my coat and ran to the kitchen.

I pulled out my phone and sent my man a quick text: 

Now for the important question: appetizers, entrees, or desserts? 

It didn’t take long for him to reply: 

Appetizerspreferably something with bacon. Should be home in about an hour.

An hour gave me options, and bacon is easy to whip up. I replied:

See you soon, Handsome!

Thank goodness I recently restocked our bacon, because we were getting low. It didn’t take me long to retrieve the requested item from the freezer. I turned on the Bluetooth speaker and started our playlist. Once Perry Como’s Magic Moments began to fill the Brownstone, I pulled out three appetizer recipes, threw my hair into a bun, and then kicked off my shoes. Now for the fun part.

I had two recipes that I couldn’t wait to try, but I started with something simple; Garlic Parmesan Bacon Knots. These are a personal favorite so I always had the seasoning on hand. Once they were in the oven, I was ready for my next recipe. I practically danced around the kitchen as I retrieved and reset ingredients. I let the knots cool as I began the bacon-wrapped mozzarella sticks. I looked at the clock which told me it was just after midnight, I smiled and moved on to the mini sliders as a finishing touch. 

I spun with the rhythm of a Michael Bublé tune playing around me. I twirled right into waiting arms that bent me into a dip. I looked into that scruffy smile I fell in love with five years ago. His green eyes sparkled, but the bags beneath them were beginning to yawn. His lips were cocked into his signature half-smile as they descended to meet mine. Without breaking the kiss, my rock steady dreamboat put me back on my feet.

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I broke it with a giggle, “Don’t distract me or I’ll burn the sliders.” I pulled away and turned to the oven. 

His arms came around me from behind as he held me again. “Now that is what I like to see... my woman barefoot, dancing in the kitchen.” 

“I would’ve thought it was the aroma that lured you into my lair,” I replied. I reached over for a bacon knot which he eagerly opened his mouth to receive.

“Hmm... you know how to spoil a man. I am glad I snagged you when I had the chance.” His lips were on my neck as I pulled the sliders out of the oven and onto the cooling rack. Once the door slammed shut, he spun me around and kissed me again. I giggled as my arms reached around his neck and pulled him in closer.

“Are you done in here?” he whispered.

“I am,” I replied, “you go to take off your shoes and I will meet you on the couch.” He moaned but obeyed, as I gathered the finished appetizers and followed.

I noticed he had abandoned his shoes, tie, blazer, and vest on his way to the couch. Of course, he would leave a mess for me to clean up in the morning. He looked very impatient, not hungry—well not hungry for my food, at least. I took my time setting up the appetizing presentation on the coffee table, swatting away his persistent hand as he reached for another piece of bacon. After the third time, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his waiting arms and began to nuzzle my neck. I couldn’t help the giggle bubbling out of me – it tickled!

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“What’s got you all wound up?” I teased as I pretended to push him away.

His lips found mine and I pulled him on top of me so that I could feel all of him. We kissed and chuckled as we fumbled to get comfortable. Soon he broke the contact as he reached for a couple of bacon knots. We both sat up and righted ourselves as if we were teenagers afraid that we were going to get caught by a parent.

“Seriously, Liam, what is going on?” I insisted.

“Can’t I come home and just be turned on by my loving wife and the smell of bacon?”

“This didn’t happen the last time you came home to the smell of bacon after a late night.,” I snarked.

“Because your father happened to be sitting at the bar talking with you as you were waiting for me to come home.”

“Oh, so you are telling me that you are scared of my father?”

His head could have spun off his shoulders when he snapped to look at me. His mossy green eyes were wide with surprise, “YEAH! Are you not afraid of your father?”

“Daddy loves you,” I assured him.

“No,” he insisted. “Daddy loves you and puts up with me.”

“Because I love you,” I tried to pull him back in, but instead he popped one of the bacon knots into my mouth with a wink and he grabbed a slider for himself. The soft fading tones of a Josh Groban love song ramped into a pop sensation that one of my waitresses submitted for our “cuddle list” consideration. We ate and talked about the day. He had a pretty successful day at the theater and I had a very good day at the diner

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Our conversation began to lull and we moved again so that we could just enjoy the music. I was sandwiched between the leather arm of our couch and my adoring husband. He laid quietly against my chest humming with the ever-changing playlist as I ran my fingers through his thick brown hair. My other hand was laid over his shoulder, intertwined with his fingers as he drew circles on my arm.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked into the silence.

“I was just thinking about how girls all over the world are jealous of me, and maybe even a couple of guys.”

“Oh?” I felt him silently chuckle. I closed my eyes letting the perfect moment wash over me. My moment was lovingly interrupted by kisses that were working their way up my arm. I couldn’t suppress the purr that rattled my throat.

My eyes were still closed but I smirked, “And here I thought you were ready for bed.”

He had turned so that he was laying on top of me again as his lips continued their trek towards my neck. “Not on your life,” he whispered. I pulled him into the kiss he was denying me and I held him as tightly as I could.

When we came up for air he smiled, “Shall we head to bed?”

“Race you!”

— This is a story I wrote based on a dream that I had. In the dream I remember cuddling with “my husband” on the couch. All I know is that he was a few years older than me, and that there is a fandom full of girls that are jealous of me. The rest I created for the story.

I shared it with Chloe and she thought that it would be a good addition to the blog, so here it is. I hope you enjoyed it.—

Until next time,

Peace out Lovers!

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


His Favorite Christmas Story