Hello all, I am Emily McCartney, and I am a Hopeless Romantic.

It has been over a year since I got bored in quarantine and thought the whole world should know what I am thinking about. I am so happy that Chloe decided to join me for the wild ride, and we just recently convince Scarlett Mae to join us as well. Now we have three awesome points of view for you to enjoy: The Creative (Me), The Thinker (Chloe), and The Wonder (Scarlett).

I created this blog as a venue for me and my friends to work out some thoughts that we are constantly struggling with. Love is everywhere, and because of that, it is easy to get muddled down in the world’s definition instead of finding God’s definition. We are here to bring our thoughts and Godly perspective, to straight out this “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” … as Queen put it.

That being said if you are still intrigued and want to read more… have at it. I would love to hear your comments or objections. And if you like my writing you can check out some of my fanfiction stories at: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/6229379/Emily-McCartney or you can see my original stories at: https://www.fictionpress.com/u/1026907/Emily-McCartney

Until Next Time,
Peace Out Lovers!

Hello I am Chloe Bond and I too am a helpless romantic.

Holy cow I cannot believe it has been a whole 4 years since I was added to the blog by my sister Emily!

For those of you that are new WELCOME! Out of the three of us I am a new mama and have been writing more articles about struggles and topics that I think are important for all of us lovers out there. Fantasy is great and all but reality will help you prepare for what might be ahead in your life.

No matter what Dear Readers, I want to share with you the love and knowledge that God has given me.

Until then, peace out lovers!


Hello beautiful people! My name is Scarlett Mae and I am a hopeless romantic.

I am a Christian and hope that through God I can truly bring the saying “looking at it through a child’s eyes” to life. I joined the blog to bring another perspective to the world around us. I hope to be the point of view that gets you to look at everything through a new lens, one that is colorful and wonderfully distorted. I want to take you into another world because I know I love to go to new places. New worlds full of magic, mystery, and wonder.

I hope that I can bring yet another perspective to this already amazing and chaotic world Chloe and Emily have created. And a piece of advice before I go: read what I write through a fairy’s eyes...full of wonder and excitement.

Peace Out Lovers!