Getting a Girl Flowers

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Hello Dear Readers!

Welcome to a special month both Emily and I LOVE to celebrate! Jane Austen June is a month where Jane Austen lovers either read, watch, or play games that have to do with Jane Austen. For Emily and me, we love playing Jane Austen themed games while watching any Jane Austen movie. This month has already started out with a bang as we have already knocked two movies off our list and have played a new game that is like “Chutes and Ladders” but Jane Austen themed (yes Emily and I are very nerdy).

Now that you know a little bit about the month, I am going to share a little bit of background about the first Jane Austen romantic couple. There is an account on YouTube called Pemberley Digital, Emily and I found this account back in 2012 when they did a rendition of Pride and Prejudice in the form of an episodic video blog called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. That series ended up being over 100 episodes long (including bloopers and the side videos of Lydia’s adventure) and ended up winning an Emmy for “Outstanding Creative Achievement In Interactive Media – Original Interactive Program.”

On October 7, 2013, PD started a new series called Emma Approved which is the story about Emma Woodhouse and her business partner Alex Knightley. This version of Emma is what I wanted to focus on, mostly because I fell in love with the chemistry between the two actors who played the main characters.

I am going to confess, Dear Readers, that this story is not one of my favorites, but I LOVE this version, so Emily has kindly let me take the reins on this one.

Let’s begin!

First, I want to talk about how well they work together with their opposite personalities but similar traits. Emma and Alex are business partners, she is the matchmaker that “makes people’s lives better,” and he does the business side or the “boring stuff” as Emma would say. Alex understands Emma’s part and knows she is good at it, but it is his job to make sure that the company stays afloat and nothing jeopardizes that. Alex knows that Emma is good at what she does, no matter how many times he may feel doubt he is on her side 99% of the time. Emma knows that what Alex does is equally important even if it is boring. Alex kept the business afloat even when they were drowning in debt and he kept it quiet so that Emma could continue to do her thing. Emma’s love for Alex is different, she knows that he is always there no matter how many times she succeeds or fails, he is by her side like any good business partner. Alex is Emma’s voice of reason and together they make an unstoppable team.

The beauty of any adaption of Emma is that Knightley is aware of Emma’s determination, and allows it up to a point. He is literally the ONLY person IN THE WORLD that she will listen to when it comes to stopping/changing. But likewise Emma is the only one that can make Knightley see when he needs to step into his true place among their peers. Hers is the ONLY opinion he cares about AT ALL.
— Emily

Second, the way they know each other better than anyone else makes the sparks fly. Toward the beginning of the series, their teasing is just flat banter that they have been doing for years and to some people it makes them wonder if Emma is just a naturally rude person. To most people Emma is controlling and doesn’t like to hear the word “no,” but Alex knows that she is determined and stubborn, but she has a kind heart and wants to do what is best for those involved. As the series goes on you can tell that they are comfortable with each other and when they start to push each other around it slowly becomes flirting. As an audience member you slowly watch Alex fall in love and Emma slowly figuring it out. Thank goodness for Alex Knightley’s patience because without it I don’t think Emma would have made it as far as she did. One other thing that gives these two love birds an advantage in the love department is that they know each other too well. There is one point where Alex gets upset and takes a vacation to Joshua Tree. Everyone in the office seems to be concerned because Alex is not around, but Emma knows that it is his quiet place and sometimes he needs to get away in order to think and that he will be back in his own time. Another example is there is a scene where Emma is organizing her office and she states, “I organize when I am upset, don’t tell Alex he knows too much about me already.” Later in that episode Alex comes in to talk to Emma and is instantly in protective mode because he sees she is organizing. He already knew her secret because he is observant and cares about the woman he loves, but it is the fact that he was willing to keep that to himself, so she didn’t feel self-conscious that makes my heart melt.

It is important to point out that Knightley and Emma have been a part of each others lives since they were kids. They have had years of observation and ‘friendly love’ for one another that I truly don’t believe that they would see anyone else even if someone was presented to them.
— Emily

My final point is that these two have brutally honest communication. This is very rare in most relationships that you see in today’s television and it is refreshing to see that two people can speak the truth and not have to worry about the other one getting offended. Alex is probably the “harshest” when it comes to telling the truth, but if he wasn’t harsh then Emma would never think to stop and think about her actions. There are times when Emma refuses to listen and, in the end, it only hurts her, and that is when she knows that Alex was right and apologizes or admits she was wrong in her own special way. Emma confides in Alex knowing full well that he will give his opinion and after that it is up to her on whether she should move on or step back.

This clip is one of the harshest episodes to watch because Alex was hurt by Emma and he could no longer stand her nasty attitude toward the people that love and support her. She thinks that she did nothing wrong, but when Alex blows up and shows her his disappointment, she knows she messed up. Alex leaves and doesn’t come back for a while and Emma takes that time to rethink her lifestyle and her life choices. She apologizes to those she hurt and makes amends by stepping into her “New Emma” role.

Eventually, Emma realizes that she is in love with Alex, and they are destined to be together. They are perfect for each other, but is it too late.

Emma is one of the best example of the less explored trope of ‘Best Friends to Lovers’ and it is one that I think needs to be more prevelent in our society. Fall in love with your best friend because in the end it won’t be hard to make the choice to love them... you’ve been doing it for years.
— Emily

Those that know Emma this was the PEAK of the relationship we were all waiting for! Alex FINALLY got a girl flowers and he was saving them for the women he loves. This was perfect timing; Emma had just found her new self and has accepted the fact that she was indeed in love with Alex. Alex’s main reason for coming back was because he heard the news about Frank Churchill and thought that Emma was heartbroken, only to find out that she had eyes for him. They both really know how to hit the perfect cue and let’s be honest that confession…. Swoon!

If I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more...”
— Knightley

Together there is nothing that can stop the power that Alex and Emma have. They are two unique individuals that were literally made for each other. The trust, love, and partnership combined make them and unstoppable team!

There is a whole playlist that has all the episodes, bloopers, side episodes, and Q&A on Youtube for all to enjoy if you would like to delve deeper into their story. Trust me Dear Readers, you will not regret it.

Until then,

Peace Out Lovers!


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