Love Worth Waiting For


I want to take a look at a movie that has always been close to my heart: Meet the Robinsons. This story is chalk full of love in so many different ways: familial, protective and romantic.

The Robinsons are great at supporting each other, no matter what crazy notions they create. When we meet the entire Robinson Family there is an understanding that each character has a quirk that the family not only accentuates, but praises.

The bond between each member of the family is strong due to blood and commitment. They are committed to encouragement of every venture that is proposed: from fireproof pants that still have a few kinks to frogs that provide the dinner entertainment.

This love is extended to any one that enters the Robinson household, this is demonstrated by the surprising twins in the porch plants. In the clip above Lewis mentioned the brothers, but couldn’t identify where they came from. I love that line because there is an implication that these two showed up on the doorstep and the family just shrugged and said “welcome.”

“Choo, Choo on this!”
— Aunt Billie

Their Protective Love is demonstrated during the After Dinner Dinosaur Fight. Everyone is able to find a way to contribute to the safety of Lewis, Wilbur’s new friend. They know nothing about this boy that somehow forgot that Canada was now North Montana, and yet they were willing to get themselves tossed around like the meatballs that were flying around the room not ten minutes earlier. Once Franny confirmed the two boys’ safety she knew that Lewis deserved to be a Robinson… a couple decades early unbeknownst to her.

But the love that I wanted to focus on is the story that we are never really told… Cornelius and Franny.

An artist imagining of Cornelius and Franny in the early years.

An artist imagining of Cornelius and Franny in the early years.

There are four marriages that mentioned in this family, but there is something about the Robinson Patriarchs that intrigues me. Even though Cornelius is out of town for most of the movie’s plot we see that Franny is the acting head of the household, demonstrated by her position at the head of the dinner table.

We come into Franny and Cornelius’ relationship after it is long established, at least by fourteen years. At the end of the movie we are introduced to the young, determined Franny, but Lewis/Cornelius is already aware that she is the girl for him. We are never told how these two get together, just that they are together and how they meet, the rest is to be implied through fan fiction writers and artists.

How would it be dating a boy that knew from the moment he met you, you were the girl that he would marry? That had to be both extremely disconcerting but oddly safe. Because of Lewis’ trip to the future he is aware that he and Franny will be living happily married with a large, incredible family around them… but for Franny she is just experiencing a boyfriend that smiles at her victories, holds her when her ideas don’t pan out in her favor, or bears the brunt of her frustrations when she is “right.”

What does Cornelius have to endure in order to convince Franny that he is/truly wants to be her future? This boy has had a glimpse at happiness and love, and for an orphan that has only ever felt rejection and abandonment I imagine he would long to recreate that as much close as possible.

I like to imagine little Franny, taking matters into her own hands, slipping a note to Cornelius (Formerly Lewis) that is the middle school equivalent of asking him to be her boyfriend. Cornelius wouldn’t even hesitate as he quickly shaded in the “Yes” box.

The first time that Cornelius was able to bring Franny over to “hang out” Lucile made them cookies, and Bud talked with Franny about some ideas to try with her frogs. When they were finally able to sneak away, Cornelius took her to his lab. She stood in the middle of the clutter in awe. All she could think is, this is how his mind looks. He began to explain the robot that he was trying to build, and she made a spot for herself on his desk, as she listened intently.

When he planned to propose to his musical miss, Cornelius had a Music Room built for her to house her frogs that were almost ready for Carnegie Hall. He blindfolded her and lead her down the long hall. She laughed at his nervousness, but mostly because she was a little nervous herself. He let her see and her eyes wandered the walls with excitement and appreciation. But the one thing that caught her breath is her sweet geek on one knee in front of her to ask a question, “Franny, would you like to be a Robinson?” Throwing herself into the scientist’s arms, her kiss screams the answer he most wanted.

A year or two later Franny is in a hospital bed looking bushed but Cornelius is by her side whispering praises in her ear, “You were great, darling.” In came the doctor with the blue blanket bundled in his arms. She opens her arms to receive their son, Wilbur. “We are parents,” she whispers. “Meet your dad, Wilbur.”

She hands Cornelius the wide-eyed baby, and he whispers under his breath, “Nice to see you again, Wilbur.”

I love trying to imagine their life together, and see the reason Wilbur was so bent on protecting it.

Cornelius and Franny.jpg

I like to think that my family is like the Robinsons, we are big and accepting, we protect those that God has brought into our lives, and though I haven’t found my Cornelius yet it is a story and a future worth dreaming of.

Well I think that is enough imagining for one blog.

So until next time,

Peace Out Lovers!

Emily McCartney

I am a Hopeless Romantic. This is my way of working out my thoughts and feelings about the ideas and themes that I see in media and the world around me. I will be joined some times by my sisters as they share their ideas as well.


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