King of the Jungle


Oh, Dear Readers, this post took a while to think about, but I am happy to say I think I am ready to relay my thoughts with you.

When I talk about love I tend to repeat myself. So, I like to take a topic and twist it a bit, that way I can test your brain and mine. Writing takes just as much brain power as it does to read the post, but if I can get your mind thinking about love a different way it makes me feel like I have accomplished something. But do not worry, Dear Readers, I will make sure to give your brain a break as well.

One day I was asked by a friend, “Why do you like silly movies?” The question threw me off for a second, doesn’t everyone like silly movies? I asked her what she meant by “silly.” She replied, “I mean there are some movies with just a really silly plot, and nothing really happens but you just love to sit there so intently and watch and laugh every time.” I wasn’t exactly sure what movie she was referring to, but she is right, I love to watch silly movies.

Why? Because even if the plot is lacking if there is a certain element like love, music, or just witty banter I love to watch it. Some examples that may come up again later in other posts are Teen Beach Movie, Hot Rod, All’s Faire in Love, etc.

When I asked her what movie she meant she replied, “Like George of the Jungle. Why do you like that movie so much?” Wow, that stung my heart a little because I just assumed everyone likes George of the Jungle. I mean, come on ladies, a jungle romance and a man who is a kind and wise leader. Of course, for the men, there is action and funny banter. It all makes the story just something you can watch for the kicks and giggles.

Defender of the innocent, protector of the weak, and all around good guy George of the Jungle.
— Narrator

Dear Reader, I want to let you in on a little secret…I am not like most people and my taste may be different than others, but no matter because I am willing to share my thoughts and ideas with you, so you can better understand me and my thinking.

So let’s start, I want you to know that George of the Jungle was one of the many movies my siblings and I watched on repeat. I remember having it on VHS and having to rewind the cassette every time we were done because we wanted to watch it all over again the next day, so the nostalgia is a big factor. Secondly, I love the story because it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it is just fun to be all grown up and hear the funny comedy you don’t really understand as a kid. Finally, there is the love aspect which is obvious because you are reading a blog about love, so are you really surprised?

George holds a different type of place in my heart. The character himself has literally been raised with only animals to talk to and no human connection until he was 25 years old. So, in my mind when I watch this movie in my mind I am thinking, “This poor kid has no idea what love is or what he is getting himself into.” When George first met Ursula, he had no idea what she was and called her “fella” not knowing that she was the female of his species. This is the first true human friend in his 25 years of life so what does he do first? What any normal human would do he shows off Shep, his big grey, peanut-loving poochie.


George is not driven by love at first sight, but more like a starving for human companionship, so he starts to show Ursula around the jungle and shows her what a normal day looks like for the King of the Jungle. He shows her all the sights and talks to the tookie-tookie bird for jungle news. As he spends more time with Ursula he realizes that when he is around her he starts to get what he calls “a stirring of special feelings.” He then asks Ape how to make Ursula his mate, but the advice that Ape gives him does not end up winning Ursula’s heart, so instead he ditches that idea and just decides to be George.

George is not afraid to be himself nor is he embarrassed when he is clumsy in front of Ursula. He doesn’t understand what it means to be embarrassed because no one in the jungle ever really judges you. This gives George a counter-cultural way of life that everyone needs to have in their lives.

George not feel stupid, sometimes George smash into tree, and sometimes George fall out of tree house, but not feel stupid. something good always happens.
— George

The scene where George and Ursula dance around the fire is one of the most amazing scenes. George asks Ursula to dance with him, she says no because she does not want to embarrass herself. George is confused about what “embarrassed” means, and when Ursula tells him that it is when you feel stupid and judged by people, George says, “There are no other people.” She thinks about it for a second and George proceeds to say, “No people here to look stupid for, just George.”

Now Dear Reader, I just want you to take a second and just picture a relationship where you can just be yourself and you do not have to worry about judgement or embarrassment. You know when you have the right significant other when they are more than willing to encourage you in everything you do, and that is even when you are being silly. Whether Ursula knows it or not, George slowly opening her up to new experiences and showing her that there is a wild side to her.


In our world, we are so focused on what others think of us that we try to hide who we truly are. Ursula did not like Lyle because he was selfish and willing to put her life in danger to make sure he was safe, but with George she always comes first. Ursula may not have realized it right away, but she fell in love with George because he was kind and honest. She went against her family’s wishes and went back to the jungle to be with George because he made her feel safe, and of course she loved him.

“George just lucky I guess.” ~ George
George just lucky I guess.
— George

See that! It is a cheesy and predictable movie, but I do believe that this movie plays a major role in my life. I have lived life the way that I want to, and yes, I do run in to judgement and I do my fair share of embarrassing myself, but that has never stopped me for being who I am. I want to live in a way that glorifies my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but also one that I am comfortable with.

I encourage you, Dear Reader, to do one of two things; either find yourself a man who will coax you out of your shell and is someone you can be silly around, or live that life yourself and maybe you can coax your man out of his shell and teach him how to live. I hope I have expressed my point and shown that even the silly predictable movies have a lesson within, it just won’t show itself until we are ready to learn it…or they could just be really fun to watch in general.

Until then,

Peace Out Lovers       

P.S. Here is a fun little video with the main song from George of the Jungle, I hope you enjoy.


Perfectly Delicious


Falling in Love with The Nanny