Like Father Like Daughter

Hello Dear Readers! First off before I start, I just want to say thank you for all of you who are continually reading and commenting. Like it says in our bios we are doing it more for ourselves but it is good to know that there are people out there who are interested in what we do. If you have made it this far you truly are spectacular and we appreciate you.

Now back to the point of this post I want to talk about father-daughter relationships. This month is my dad’s birthday month and I have been thinking a lot about what makes our relationship special. Just to be clear BOTH mother-daughter and father-daughter relationships are equally important, but there is something different in each relationship that makes it special. Also, I am not going to talk about father-son relationships because I am not a guy so I will not be able to speak truthfully on that.

This song has a lot of meaning for me because I believe that this is what a good relationship between a father and a daughter looks like. In the song there were many times where the dad was busy and he stopped everything to be with his daughter and to dance with her. This song also shows a father who is willing to let his daughter go and live her life knowing that she will always come back to him if she needs help. He isn’t threatening toward her boyfriend or making him feel uncomfortable, but instead he is just willing to do anything for his daughter.

There are tons of different ways that father-daughter relationships are being portrayed in movies. Sometimes you have the sentimental father who is emotional about his daughter growing up, then you have the protective father who is at the door trying to strike fear in the eyes of the boy trying to win his daughter’s heart, and then you have the fathers that are between the two. I don’t mind seeing either side of the spectrum when it comes to father characters, but I do tend to worry about their relationships with their daughters because if they are too involved then it can cause the daughter to push away because they are feeling trapped.

Movies are a big part of my life and there is one specific father-daughter relationship that sticks in my head because I have mixed feelings about it. Armageddon is a movie about oil drillers landing on a meteor and drilling it in half so it won’t crash into Earth. The main character Harry has a daughter named Grace and he is very protective over her. He is so protective that it drives a wedge into their relationship because she is rebellious toward his over protective nature. In the end their relationship is mended because they both confess that they were wrong and that no matter what they love each other.

This scene makes me ball every time because honestly it is true. Even if my father and I fight a lot and words are thrown around my father will always love me and he would be willing to die for me if it came down to it. When in doubt, I can always count on my father to be ready to go to war with me.

Another fantastic thing about fathers is that they tend to be the ones to teach you valuable life lessons. Dads are notorious for sharing the same lesson over and over again, but even though you have heard the lecture before it is different every time because you learn something new, or you take away something different because you have grown and there is something new you picked up on.

I asked Scarlett and Emily what they thought about their relationship with their dads and they said,

I love just sitting and listening to music with him and driving because we have similar music taste, and when we drive, I can just talk to him and he just listens. He has taught me to let loose when I am feeling overwhelmed and just tells me to chill out. I just like doing a lot of stuff with him because he is just fun to hang out with and I love him.
— Scarlett Mae
My father and I are polar opposites, there is very little we have in common. But I know that he is 100% behind me. He may not always know the best way to cheer me on, but I know that his intentions are true and I can live with that.
— Emily McCartney

You can learn a lot from your father when you just have a chance to sit and talk with them. They have tons of life experience and they are able to tap into that lesson mode for those times where you are just down in the dumps and have no idea what you are doing.

My relationship with my dad is amazing! We are both big baseball fans, Go Dodgers, and we just have a good time hanging out and listening to music. Music and words are how my dad communicates best, he loves breaking down the lyrics of a song to open our eyes to new ideas and to give us a deeper insight to what the song means. We will come to him with certain songs we like to see what he thinks and we will get his honest opinion, and even get to hear a new perspective.

I asked my dad what he thinks is special between a father and a daughter, he replied by saying he raised us all the exact same way with the same hopes for all of us. He said that each relationship between my siblings and I are different, but there is nothing that he does different. One thing, I really appreciate about my dad is that he gave us freedom. When we were growing up, we had rules and expectation of course but we were always free to make our own decisions. He lived his life by example and taught us right from wrong but it was our choice whether or not to follow it, and if we fell, we had to deal with our consequences, but he would be there to help get us back on our feet.

There was one thing my dad said and it stuck out to me in a big way. He told me that his number one goal in life was to have a good relationship with mom because without that steady relationship there would be no point in having a relationship with us. If he cannot lead by example in loving his other half then how does he expect us to do so? There is this song that has been on repeat in my head for a while and I finally showed my dad:

I truly believe my father loves my mother but it is because they work as a team and make it easy to love each other.

The last father-daughter relationship I want to talk about is the relationship we have with God.

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
— John 1:12

God loves us so much that we have a chance to have a relationship with Him. For me, I know I am a child of God and I know that because of Him I have an eternal relationship with Him. My job as His daughter is to live my life in His light and demonstrating all His attributes in my daily life. Even though I am sharing His love to others there are times where I feel broken and doubt tries to creep in, but I know that no matter how far I stray from His path there is always a way back home. I don’t know if you know this Dear Readers, but God is always there to welcome you back home with open arms. In fact, when you are heading back home his arms are open AND he is running down the path to greet you.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
— Jeremiah 29:11

God has a plan for us and even though He knows all that we will do in our lives He still gives us free will to learn from mistakes and to succeed in our own way as well. All God wants is to walk with us and talk with us as we walk down the crazy path of life. To me God is my true father and my relationship with Him is more important because if I am not on the same page as God then I am doing something wrong.

God gave me my father and I am thankful for it every day. I am able to have an in person daily relationship with my father and he encourages me to grow daily in my relationship with God and help keep my eyes on Him.

I know there may be some of you that do not have a great relationship with your fathers, but I want you to know that God is always waiting to have a relationship with you if you are willing to let Him into your heart. He will not barge in because that is not how He is, but He will always be outside of the door waiting for an invitation…just think about it.

Until Next Time,

Peace Out Lovers!

P.S. My dad chose a song for me a while ago and I think it gives insight into our father-daughter relationship and I wanted to share it with you Dear Readers…


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Together or Not At All