Romantic Quotes/Moments in Movies

Hello Dear Readers!

I feel like it has been a while since we have had more of a random fun piece. Don’t get me wrong, Emily and I have been posting some topics that have been close to our hearts lately, and they important to our beliefs. What I mean by “fun piece” is that this one is more of a random fun one that we are able to throw in to break up the posts a little bit.

This will hopefully be one of many of these types of posts because there are so many moments and quotes out there that mean different things to different people. Emily and I have different ideas about what is romantic and what is cute which is why I think this may be a fun continued post that will have multiple parts. To start though I will say 5 quotes/moments that I think are cute in movies.

Note these are not in any particular order these are just the ones I wanted to start with 😊

While You Were Sleeping

Number one, this movie is amazing and totally worth watching if you have never seen it before. I watch it every year around my birthday because it is the only movie my Aunt will watch, and I like to try to watch it with her between Thanksgiving and my birthday.

Number two, this scene is so magnetic because even while he is explaining what leaning is you can see that they both have that look in their eyes, but neither one of them are willing to admit it (probably because he thinks that she is engaged to his brother…but I am not going to spoil the movie). This scene always gets me because you are rooting for these two the whole movie but in order for it to work Lucy, Sandra Bullock’s character, needs to figure out what she truly wants.

Hugging is very different. Hugging involves arms and hands and leaning is whole bodies moving in like this. Leaning involves wanting, and accepting, leaning.
— Jack

I mean come on ladies that scene gets ya and there is no shame in that.


Now bear with me Dear Readers, the video may be long but there is a very important quote near the end that is just wonderful to watch. Let me just take a moment and say if you have not seen this movie, I am tremendously sad because not only is it a Disney movie (in my opinion most Disney movies are a must see), but this movie is like a mixture of all different types of fairy tales just set in the real world and it is amazing.

This scene is pivotal in the climax of the movie because minutes before this clip starts Robert has just awaken Giselle from a poisonous slumber, and he has realized that she is in fact his true love. Now the Evil Queen is about to take her away from him? I don’t think so, but his brave moment did not turn out like he wanted and instead Giselle saves him.

Is this a habit of yours? Falling off of stuff?”
”Only when you are there to catch me.
— Giselle and Robert

This line is both sweet and a full circle in their relationship because in the beginning Robert said this to her when they first met. Now come on that is cute!

Cinderella (2015)

Many of you know the story and have heard it time and time again, but this version is different and in a good way. This version actually gives the Prince a name and he has a bit of a story as well. This version is probably my favorite Disney one because of the way the story is told, and how it is executed. From the character development, to the dress transformation, the wedding scene, and everything in between.

Kit, the prince, plans a ball and invites everyone in the kingdom hoping to find the wonderful maiden he met in the woods. Not only was she beautiful but she had a kind heart and he fell head over heels for her. He is just about to dance with one of the princesses in attendance when Ella walks in and literally becomes a show stopper.

I mean come on that entrance is flawless, and even when Ella tries to give the credit to Kit he tells her that it is not for him but for her.

They are all looking at you.”
”Believe me they are all looking at you.
— Ella and Kit

For that one moment everything was right and they both knew they were perfect for each other.

The Amazing Spiderman 2

Woof! This movie brings back so many memories for me. For those of you that don’t know, Spiderman was my very first superhero comic when I was about 3 or 4 and I have loved him ever since. Another fun fact is that this movie actually based on that first comic I read. Seriously I am a little bit obsessed. In fact, Peter Parker is my dream boyfriend but that is for a different post.

The reason why I put this quote in my list is because this moment is special. Gwen has been his girlfriend and number one supporter through thick and thin no matter how stupid Peter is. She has just gotten accepted into Oxford and she tells Peter that maybe they are on different paths and they are not meant to be because they want different things. Peter realizes that she is the only thing worth keeping at the moment and being Spiderman is not his whole life. Peter was willing to drop EVERYTHING and follow his girl.

You were wrong about us being on different paths, because you are my path.
— Peter

What makes this moment even more special is that it is the moment where Gwen Stacy knows he is serious, and it isn’t Spiderman picking her it is Peter Parker. She has always supported Peter and now she knows that Peter is there to support her. And for those of you that have seen the movie you know that this moment is fleeting so we take it and hold on tight.

Always and Forever Laura Jean

For those of you who do not know these movies are based of a book trilogy and they are just as good as the movies. Thanks to Netflix these movies were represented of a higher platform and they did a great job with them (although I still suggest reading them because there are some more Peter and Laura Jean moments). This movie moment is taken from the final movie in the trilogy and it again shows beautiful moment between Laura Jean and Peter.

To set up a bit of the scene Peter and LJ are in their senior year and thinking about colleges and planning on going together, but LJ gets wait listed and is having trouble figuring out how that will shape her future. Later on they go on a class field trip to New York and Laura Jean stumbles across the NYU campus and instantly feels like she belongs. Of course, this causes a bit of a fight with Peter and they both thought they could work it out, but Peter ends up breaking it off after Prom. This scene picks up after LJ’s dad’s wedding…

Not only did Peter admit he was wrong he told her that he should have been supporting her all along and it was his fault that it was not working out. Once he realized that love is more important than proximity, he was willing to be that support for her. Right after they make up Peter takes her to the middle of the dance floor and plays “their song” so they can dance to it. I am dropping the lyrics to the song because I think it is a fantastic song and it sums up what most people wish for in a relationship.

Well Dear Readers, I hope you enjoyed my small list for the first post. As I said there will be more to come because let’s be honest there are always super cute moments/quotes in movies that you can always talk about.

Until then,

Peace Out Lovers!


I Wanna Hold Your Hand


The Battle of the Romantic Heroes