Late Night Trip

“Ma’am, I’m so sorry, but it looks like we‘re all out of rooms.”

“Are you sure?” I sighed.

“Unfortunately,” the lady at the desk gave me a weak smile.

My feet shifted on the cold tile of the hotel lobby and I forced a smile onto my face. “Thank you so much for looking. I appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem.”

I waved to her and walked back through the door. I looked at my wrist as I walked back to my car, parked at the back of the hotel. The numbers on my watch glowed white.


I jumped back into my car and was greeted by Ben in the passenger seat.

“Anything?” He asked.

I leaned back against my chair and groaned.

“I’m gonna take that as a no.” I could feel his smile in the dark. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him. His blond hair was slightly illuminated and his features were soft in the moonlight and fading streetlights.

I let my eyes linger on his features for a little too long before I forced myself to tear my gaze away. I put my key in the ignition and heard the engine rev. “Please find another hotel.”

“You got it, boss,” Ben chuckled as he opened his phone. I took a few deep breaths before I heard him speak again. “Looks like the closest one is only 15 miles away.”

“Oh, wonderful!” My words came out a bit sarcastic, but I was genuinely relieved that a hotel was that close. I backed out of the parking lot and got back onto the highway. I was exhausted and just wanted a place to sleep for the night.

Ben, myself, and a few friends decided to go on a road trip a week before. We were all supposed to go back on Saturday, but my little sister decided to get sick while my parents were out of town. Of course, I offered to go back to help take care of her.

So, there I was, in my car with my best friend, late Wednesday night, trying to find a place to stay. Ben wouldn’t let me drive home alone, being the person he is. It was Memorial week, so every hotel was completely booked. It was hard trying to find a hotel without a reservation, especially that late at night.

“Are you ok?” Ben’s voice broke into my thoughts.

“Hmm?” I had to take a moment to process his words. “Yeah, I just wanna get somewhere and crash for the night.”

“Sounds about right,” he hummed lightly to a song on the radio. A storm was brewing outside and I could already see little drops of rain falling on the windshield. “We‘ve been driving all day,” he sighed and a short silence followed. “Turn right here.”

I turned and pulled into another small hotel to park the car. I stood and gathered my things from the back seat. “You might want to grab your stuff because if this one doesn’t work, I am not driving anymore.”

His laugh made me smile. “Ok, sure.”

He quickly grabbed his bag and pillow and we headed to the front desk. An older woman greeted us. Her southern accent was heavy. “How are you both doing this evening?”

“Good! And you?” I smiled.

“Good. I assume y’all need a room.”

“Yes, please.”

“Very well,” she went clicking on her computer and I prayed that there would still be a room available. It was a pretty small hotel, nothing special and a little run down, so I didn’t expect too much. A few moments later, she looked up and handed me a key. “Here you go darlin’. Room 264. Wifi and everything else is in the room.”

I sighed with relief and took the key from her bony hands. “Thank you so much. Have a good night.”

“You too.” She smiled at me and then turned to wink at Ben.

We made our way over to the elevator and the old button glowed yellow when I clicked 2. “What was that about?” I asked Ben.

He shifted his duffle bag on his shoulder. “What? The wink? You know as much as I do. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

I felt a smile tug at the edge of my lips. “Well, it isn’t every day that an older woman flirts with you.”

He smirked. “I don’t think she was flirting with me.”

“Really?” The elevator rang and the doors opened.

Ben laughed as we stepped outside. “You really are clueless sometimes.”

“What do you mean?”

“Nevermind,” he whispered.

I shook it off and held out the key to our door. I opened it and froze when I saw what was inside. Or, rather, what wasn’t inside.

“Is everything alright?” Ben pushed me further into the room and saw what our problem was. “Oh.” He squeezed past me and set his bag and pillow on the floor. “It’s okay. I’ll just sleep on the floor.”

“Ben, no.” It was going to be uncomfortable, we had no other mattress, and I was not about to let him go through that and then drive again tomorrow.

“It’s ok, I swear.” He sat himself down on the floor and hugged his pillow. “See? It’s comfy.”

I laughed. “You’re a dork.”

“I know.”

I took a deep breath and set my bag on the bed. Singular. I didn’t even think to ask the woman for two. She must have assumed we were a couple. That explained the wink. “Are you positive?” I asked him. I really didn’t want to go back and switch.

“I am.”

“You could just,” I paused, thinking. I gestured toward the bed but said nothing. It shouldn’t have been awkward. I had known Ben for years. I had grown up with him. Why was I so scared to share a stupid bed with him?

“Really, Scarlett,” it’s like he read my mind. “It’s ok.”

I gave him a soft smile. “Thank you,” I drew in a small breath. “I’m gonna change then.”

“Sounds good.”

I quickly went to the restroom and changed into my favorite PJ pants and an oversized T-shirt. I got out of the restroom and flopped onto the bed. I curled up under the covers as Ben changed. He came out of the restroom with a shirt that was two sizes too big and a pair of sweatpants. He set up his simple bed on the floor and then went to turn off the lights.

“Goodnight,” he flipped the switch and I heard him lay on the floor. We stayed in silence for a little while. I heard the crinkle of the covers when I shifted and the light pitter-patter of rain on the window. I was almost asleep when a deep roll of thunder filled the room. I smiled to myself. I loved thunder, but I also knew Ben hated it. Another came, and I heard him wince.



“Come here,” I opened the covers to let him in.


“I said come here.”

“Are you sure?” He asked, slowly getting up.

“I’m sure.”

“Okay,” he sighed. He got up and reluctantly climbed under the covers with me. Another roll of thunder came and his breath caught. I slowly reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. I felt his muscles relax under my touch, but his breathing was still uneven. I let myself slowly inch closer to him until I could feel his breath on my cheek.

“Scar?” Ben’s voice came as a whisper. I couldn’t see anything, so his voice and his warmth under my fingertips were all that tethered me to him.

“What’s up?”

“This is going to sound really weird.” I raised my eyebrow, confused and a little terrified.


There was a long silence before I heard his voice again. “How do you feel about me?”

“What?” My fingers slid down his arm and I let my armrest in the small space between us.

“I know it’s sudden, but I want to know how you feel about me.”

I shifted slightly, trying to make out the lines of his face in the dark. I had a crush on Ben for a very long time but telling him that now, randomly, would be crazy. “I really like you, Ben.”

“Like romantically?”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am,” his voice came out as a little hoarse and unsure. I wasn’t sure where any of it was coming from, or why he was pushing so hard to find out.

“Why?” There was a small silence before he took a breath and responded in a whisper.

“Because I love you, Scarlett.”

My breath hitched and my heart sped up at his words. He did not just- A roll of thunder came shortly after. He brought his hand to mine, before slowly trailing his fingers to outline the shell of my ear. My eyes adjusted so I could see his face. His beautiful blue eyes bore into mine. I wasn’t sure what to do. I could feel his warm, unsteady breath.

“I really want to kiss you right now.” His eyes trailed to my lips as if asking for permission.

Without really thinking, I closed the distance between us. My lips met his and they seemed to fit perfectly together. I let myself pull closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. An eternity seemed to pass before he pulled away.

“I’ve been waiting for that,” he took a deep, shaking breath. “For so long.”

“That was my first kiss.” It didn’t really seem important at the time, but I figured I’d tell him anyway.

He bent to kiss my cheek and his lips curved upwards. “I know,” he looked into my eyes, searching. “Do you want a second?”

I nodded and he closed the distance between us once more. His touch was gentle and longing. When he lifted his lips from mine, he pulled me close to him. My head rested under his chin. I closed my eyes and I listened to his racing heart. The sound of rain and thunder filled the room again. We drifted off to sleep, holding onto each other. Somewhere in my dream state, I heard Ben’s voice muttering, “There is just something about you, my dear.”


Author’s Note: Hello Lovelies! I hope you enjoyed the story! This one is one that I wrote a while ago and wanted to share with you. It’s definitely not my best story, but I think it’s for sure one of my favorites. I’m still waiting for my first kiss, but this wonderful (and very unrealistic) situation is one of many that I have come up with in my head. I can’t wait to see what God has for me in the future. But anyway, again, I hope you enjoyed it!


Until Next Time,

Peace Out, Lovers!


Cinematic Romance


Oh How Time Flies…